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Friends - February 2007

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Just in need of advice. Thanks.

2007-02-18 08:30:27 · 4 answers · asked by i_luv_krista_allen 2


2007-02-18 08:30:12 · 1 answers · asked by Joseph G 2

Just the other day i got into a fight with my best fiend because she kept bossing me around. I know it was childish but she was just getting on my nerves. Well now we are fine again and i feel like a hypocrit when i want to tell to stop chatting with this guy she never met. he was fine at first but he keeps asking what she looks like and it made me upset. this happened a while ago so i dont know if she even talks to him anymore but if i see he talking to him, what do i say to her?

2007-02-18 08:18:47 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

So if a guy wants you to meet his parents, and you are just friends, what does that mean?? And if he makes a point of apologising for losing your email and asks for it again, what does that mean? What does it mean if you've never given him your email and he apologises for losing it, and asks for it again? What does it mean if he also makes a point about telling you he's reading a book you gave him? Is he just being nice?

2007-02-18 08:13:28 · 3 answers · asked by All 4 His Glory 3

Me and my friends are always wondering what guys talk about. Do you talk about girls, or sports, or anything else. It is just because we are curious.

2007-02-18 08:06:02 · 3 answers · asked by Dani 3

cant you find anyone who will be with you?

2007-02-18 07:53:13 · 7 answers · asked by And i heard as it were a thunder 6

I have called everyone and only one friend said maybe she can sleep over what should i do in the mean time. You know to wait till she can come over.

2007-02-18 07:49:43 · 1 answers · asked by ♥Miss.Kayla♥ 3

Last night I was playing around on my girlfriend/roommate's cell phone trying to find out if one of her friend's number matched up with my latest missed call. After getting bored with that, I went into the inbox on her phone and saw three messages from her ex boyfriend.

She and her ex had met up on the day before valentine's day while I was at work. She had never said anything about it. All I did was say, "I knew I was right about you all along." Then I gave her back her cell phone and left to the apartment.

I don't think they actually did anything sexual or even held hands, but to me, it still seems dishonest for the girl to not inform the guy if she's hanging out with her recent ex boyfriend. What do you thinK?

2007-02-18 07:45:45 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

it's for my boo i wanna do something special i just need help on this.....thanks 4 da help!!

2007-02-18 07:44:18 · 8 answers · asked by HEARTBROKEN 1

my friend and her fella have been together a couple of years.

we have always been a bit concerned about him.
he paints his nails bright colours and wears really tight tops. he says he isnt gay or bi but he camps it up alot and he owns all of steps albums. we have asked our friend a few times and she just laughs it off.

anyways i was out with my bestfriend last night and we saw him full on kissing a guy who we know is definatley gay. we had to look twice to make sure it was him. my friend even took a pic on her mobile.

should we tell and show our friend?

2007-02-18 07:34:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

well i know a couple guyz that r really hot..but they never really talk to me that much. They r older but....well...? how can i get them to like me or at least b my friend? we r both "emo" if u want to call it that so we hav some in comman. I tried to talk about music but the never reply...what shoulod i do? i know i cant make someone like me but i at least want them to know my name! HELP!

2007-02-18 07:19:32 · 2 answers · asked by brookester 1

yes or no

2007-02-18 07:19:23 · 7 answers · asked by keridorrington30 1

I have a really good friend that is 4 years younger than me (8). he is on my little brother's hockey team. The thing is that my friend really doesnt like my little bro. although i dont care, my mom does. she doesnt want him over anymore because she says family is first. i really dont want to give up a friend because of my brother. what should i do?

2007-02-18 07:17:43 · 12 answers · asked by cool dude 3

my best friend has a desire for me.in the past my friend had no romantic desire for me.Now during the last couple of months during
her rocky relationship with her boyfriend I was very supportive towards her,I allowed her to cry on my shoulder occasionally and I
allowed her to deal with her boyfriend without any help from me,I stayed at my apt. for a couple of days not talking to her letting her
do what she has to do.I have always been a good friend to her,I allowed her to vent on me and basically helped her to clean up the
mess.now she is telling me that I was the only one who stayed by
her side in both good and bad times.I even nursed her back to health when she was sick.Now she tells me she is falling in love with me.What should I do,I care for her deeply,but I think she is still
hurting from the breakup.Please help I'm confused on this one.

2007-02-18 07:03:14 · 17 answers · asked by kenshaw01 3

I am 14 and i need HELP I have these ""friends"" and they just got mad at me for some reason. I cant figure out why. I asked them why they were mad at me, but they just wont tell me. One of the girls say she cant say why. My ""best friend"" who is mad at me wont talk to me any more. I called her house and her brother answered and said she was sleeping but I heard her in the back round. I love these girls to death. I would do any thing to stop our frindship from ending but it just isnt working. I talked to one of the girls on the internet and she is a bit mad. I think I know why the one is mad at me but I dont want to be wrong. But they just wont talk to me no matter what I do. I cant stand the thought of loosing them. It kills me. I need advice on what I should do. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

2007-02-18 07:02:41 · 12 answers · asked by Jess 2

By her father.
Apparently this has happened before, but she still goes to the house.
I'm not sure whether to believe her or not.
If i was subject to this kind of abuse, then i wouldn't be going anywhere near the person responsible, so why does she keep going back?
I feel guilty about thinking this way.
What should i do?

2007-02-18 07:00:10 · 19 answers · asked by ♀SaintsRLFC♀ 4

2007-02-18 06:58:21 · 15 answers · asked by gayaone 1

So I know this guy, he's a friend, and I like him, he like me and things have happened between us but we're just friends and it's going to stay like that. However, he's been quite distant with me recently. I'll ask him a question and he will reply with something that I know isn't true. He blocked/deleted me on myspace and said it was an accident but you cannot block someone accidentally. This lie especially annoyed me because he was laughing about it. If he didn't want to speak to me, he'd block me on msn etc too but he didn't. I value the friendship and don't want to lose him as a friend but I really fear this is going to happen if I don't sort it out but I just don't know how

2007-02-18 06:33:34 · 16 answers · asked by cutiexoxprincess 2

Me and my friend always get in fights basically everyday and she started cussing me out yesterday because i wouldn't do something for her because i would get in trouble but we've been best friends for three years and she said sorry should i give her another chance???

2007-02-18 06:26:03 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

i take Drama in school and i love it. but i'm quite shy and really dont want to fail my exams because of it.
how do i overcome my shyness?? could someone please help me =]

2007-02-18 06:19:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

He trys to be a skater and a rocker he thinks he is better than me but he just got his gutair and wants to be in a band i told him it probaly won't happen but I have this thing called frustration disorder it makes me mad for no reason it is a common problem i just get frustrated about him being a poser because he copys me all the time it gets annoying he is really a video game playing kinda person he is just annoying kinda I became friends with him because he acted like himself but now it just gets annoying so I need help.

2007-02-18 05:59:48 · 2 answers · asked by john 1

im 26, my gf's 37. We've been dating for 4 months and i'll be honest, i started dating her on a bet from one of my buddies. She's a bueatufil lady but he bet I would never go out with a lady that much older than me. I did, I won the bet, and I ended up really liking her. I'm not IN LOVE with her tho. None of this would matter except she told me at lunch today that she's pregnant! We began having sex as any couple would, after about a month of dating. I'm freaking out! I had no intention of making this relationship anything long term! I want kids, but not yet! I was actually planning on breaking up with her and I told one of her friends awhile ago that "i'm not sure how much longer this (meaning our relationship) is gonna last" and then a month later she tells me she's pregnant! And to answer the obvious questions: no I never wore a condom because she told me she was on the pill and yes, I know she really is preg because she insisted she prove it and took a preg test in from of me

2007-02-18 05:58:23 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok so in my class I was the only one to like punk/emo/hardcore music but when people found out that I was into that stuff...THEY STARTED LISTENING TO IT!!!And then I got a yahoo E-mail address and all of a sudden...THEIR E-MAIL ADRESSES CHANGED FROM @HOTMAIL.COM...TO @YAHOO.COM!!!!!At this point I was not really noticing it but then people started talking about MyChemicalRomance like their new stuff sounded rearded....WHEN THEY FOUND OUT THAT I LIKE MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE....THEY ALL WERE SINGING WELCOME TO THE BLAVK PARDE NON STOP!!!!!Now after at the beginning of the year I was the only kid without a MySpace and the only kid WITH a Yahoo360...One day I told them that Yahoo360 was better and safer so the next day...FOUR OF THEM CANCELED THEIR MYSPACE ACCOUNTS AND GOT YAHOO360'S!!!!!But Anyway my question is are my classmates followers or am I just mad because they follow my every move?!?!?!!ICAN'T EVEN BE MYSELF NOW BECAUSE I'M AFRAID THAT THEY WILL COPY ME!!!

2007-02-18 05:32:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

She told me she thinks she's fat. When I ask her who she likes she'll say, "No guys are cute here." She hasn't even had a boyfriend in all her Middle School life. Any ideas of what I can tell her?

2007-02-18 05:19:51 · 5 answers · asked by hey ! 2

Well would you? i really really would. i know one person who drives me up the wall, she's so god damn annoying. (lets just call her 'louise' for now) and i am a really like open person, i give everyone a chance, but sometimes you just cant click with someone. yeah and this girl just doesn't take any hints to leave me and my friends alone....so yeah we're gonna put up with her for the rest of highschool! we're not mean enough to tell her to go away. everyone knows a person who really annoy them....we can't help it. so yeah if someone felt exactly the same way towards me as i felt about louise, i would seriously want to know, so i can back off that person.....(because there is this girl, and we are really good friends but sometimes it seems that she really doesn't like me.....)
anyone else feel like this???

2007-02-18 05:13:52 · 23 answers · asked by Button.Monster 3

brothers and sisters have i none ,but this mans father is my fathers son

2007-02-18 05:10:34 · 6 answers · asked by gismojabba 1

How do you know when someone is either just your aquaintance or your friend?

2007-02-18 05:09:42 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Um throughout my life I am so used to being deep and talk and ask anything I want from sex to feelings and none of my friends minded that. Well I went to a secular college and boy people hate that you know if you ask them a question about sex or anything deep. Why is that?I don't go up to someone I just met and ask them that I only ask my friends.

2007-02-18 05:06:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

what turns you on the most about girls?
And what turns you off?

2007-02-18 05:04:48 · 2 answers · asked by shygal 5

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