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Family & Relationships - 13 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships

Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

these girls at school, they make fun of people ALL THE TIME. I mean every other sentance is," uhhh, she is sooo ugly" or, " she needs to stop eating those twinkes" . If people didnt laugh along, those people being made fun of wouldnt feel bad. I dont laugh, even if i wanted to. How do I deal with that, and I already stand up for the people being made fun of. I'm respected, and people dont say any thing about me without being glared at. So how do i deal?

2007-01-13 11:19:30 · 4 answers · asked by bugsandtweety 3 in Friends

2007-01-13 11:19:10 · 3 answers · asked by LoK4 2 in Singles & Dating

I have 2 brother cats and one of them is really sick i went to the vet and found out what is wrong but do you think the other cat knows that his brother is ill... bc hes been licking him and grooming him , and it seems like he checks up on him. What is that ?/

2007-01-13 11:19:01 · 1 answers · asked by bluegrlwhiskey 1 in Friends

if you passed a girl on the street ...a regular one with something mysterious in her eyes...a secret...a hatred what would you do

2007-01-13 11:18:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Okay. I just recently broke up with my bf. but i also just found out that one of my friends likes me. what do i do? i dont want to seem like im over him already cause im not. but my friend has liked me since i started dating my ex...sory if this is confusing, but i need help. giv me some opinons on what i should do plz

2007-01-13 11:18:07 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My crush is coming with his family tommorow to watch the Bear's game. Him and me have been friends since we were really small. What should I wear? How should I act? WHAT SHOULD I SAY???? Help!!!!! Please!!!!

2007-01-13 11:17:58 · 5 answers · asked by Sofia. <3 2 in Friends

I'm 25, my "sorta-kinda-ex-might be getting back together with- boyfriend" lives 2000miles away and is away all weekend anyways. I haven't done anything for the last couple nights and tonight I just want to stay in, watch a movie, do a face mask and play around on the computer. The thing is 2 different sets of friends have asked me to go out with them to the bar. I haven't seen any of them in at least a week, but I just don't feel like going to a bar. I've made plans for coffee with a couple of them for next week. Have I become an "old" person or loser for not wanting to go out to the bars anymore?!

2007-01-13 11:17:36 · 15 answers · asked by sarahjaniepoo 4 in Singles & Dating

Well..I work out at this gym ..and me and one of the employees there i guess became friends, he would always stop and say hello, he even asked me about my holidays, and I always felt like he might have been flirting with me to a certain extent...but anyhow,he told me too call him for a session, in which I did, and he told me that he would like to be my friend, and invited me to bible study class that he conducts...so everythang seemed okay..then yesterday..he comes up to me and aks me..if it was true that I several pervious accounts with the gym...and it made me feel bad because I do..and I think it sort of makes me look bad that I have accounts there, and I never pais on them, and he knows about it and lastly it makes me look dishonest, and I like him, but I'm sort of worried that it may turn him off...but it was over a period of ten years, and when I would go sign up, the membership would overlook it and resign me up...so how should I feel about the situation, ShouldI I call and ex

2007-01-13 11:17:19 · 4 answers · asked by Trish T 1 in Friends

Now, he refuses to go w/ me, ever, as he dislikes them. So I'm supposed to stay cooped up in our apartment and watch him play video games forever? Tonight is a coworkers bday party that I wanted him to go to with me. He won't. He's says I was lying about that promise if I go and that I'm choosing them over him. I've already told my girfriends I would go. He says I trash him to them and that he doesn't want to be judged. I do talk to one older person about some issues in our relationship. Others just see how he is, like never going to parties w/ me. Should I go and break my promise or stay and let my friends down?

2007-01-13 11:16:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

okay i'm gonna send this guy a message telling him i like him. i don't know what to say, i don't wanna make it sound stupid or creepy not anything like that. does ne body have any suggestions?

2007-01-13 11:15:32 · 17 answers · asked by Blah-Blah590 4 in Singles & Dating

My friend thinks his man is cheating on him, for moer than just this reason but I don't know who to ask about this. He never comes more than a couple drops and he never even acts like he cums, and they went three weeks once(they only been seein each other for 7 monthes) Does this happen? I mean I know I'm not like that unless I have sex like a couple times a day. Are some guys just like that, or that a good sign he's gettin it else where?

2007-01-13 11:14:30 · 12 answers · asked by ANon 1 in Singles & Dating

i think mine does...................

2007-01-13 11:13:53 · 15 answers · asked by zozo 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-01-13 11:13:46 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

So I have this friend and if its just us talking we'll be fine. But if someone walks past us or something and I start talking to them most of the time she'll just withdraw hereself and walk away or pull out something flashy like an Ipod or new gaming system or something. Is she attention seeking or jealous or what? And if someone makes her mad or something she'll lock herself up in a room or bathroom or whatever she'll start texting other people from different schools and stuff. It is so annoying!!!! She always seems to be having problems with ppl in some way or another.

2007-01-13 11:12:34 · 6 answers · asked by q 2 in Friends

I have never been married and always said I didn't want it but now that I am getting older, I realize how worthless my life is without A LIFE and FAMILY......here's the problem....so many women in my age bracket are divorced 1-3 times and carry a ton of baggage with them......maybe I am destined to be single and die unloved.

2007-01-13 11:12:34 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

so im currently dating this guy, and we kiss occasionally, and we have made out a few times, but im looking for the number one tip on the best thing i can do for him to really make it always special for him.. got any ideas?

2007-01-13 11:12:34 · 3 answers · asked by Deegs 2 in Singles & Dating

Is is true that all men cheat?

2007-01-13 11:11:57 · 26 answers · asked by kissa 1 in Singles & Dating

Anyone had their wedding in Galveston? If so, may I ask deatails such as location for ceremony and reception, photographer etc? Thank you!

2007-01-13 11:11:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

There is this boy named D that I truely do Love. I have never been in love till I met him. We were together for 5 months and fell in love. Well we never really saw eachother so he broke it off. A few weeks later he started going with this other girl. Then I started back up talking to him and we became like best friends but still talked like we were together. Well he broke it off with his "girlfriend." And we continued to talk. Well his cousin Jon hates me and was always textin me from d's phone cussing me out and acting like D. Well i got so sick of it that i went off one night thinking it was Jon but this time it was D. (D hadnt cussed me out he had jus sent me this picture from his phone that pissed me off.) Well we got in an argument and now he hates me. What should I do I really love him but dont know what i should do please help?!?!?

2007-01-13 11:09:37 · 10 answers · asked by D@T_SUP@_FlY_CH!CK 1 in Singles & Dating

My best girl friend who is also my cousin she said to me: "They say kissing is the language of love...care to indulge in a little convo?" and she also said: "I'm picturing u naked now"She is also very pretty and nice. she has hit my *** (grabbed it too) and we have kissed before. she is my dad's brother daughter so i guess that makes her my first cousin. I live in Canada. does this mean she likes me?? I think she is bi like me too. Should I tell her that i like her?we are both 14.

2007-01-13 11:08:39 · 7 answers · asked by Haley 2 in Friends

i just broke up with my boyfriend of 7 months. he treated me and loved me better/more than any guy has before. but i always had a hard time dealing with the fact that he's a father. we come from different cultures and upbringings too. i also didnt feel like it was equal. he felt that we could last forever, but i had my doubts. maybe the spark just faded for me. it was very rushed in the beginning, and i had just gotten out of a 3 year relationship.

now he's angry, bitter and hurt. i want to talk to him, but i dont know what to say. i feel horrible and it's so hard not to call and try to make things back to normal and all better. should i? i keep forgetting why i broke up with him and only remember the good times now.

did i do the right thing? am i right to end it now before it gets more serious? will we ever be able to talk again or be friends? what do i say when he comes to pick up his stuff?

2007-01-13 11:08:28 · 26 answers · asked by anon 1 in Singles & Dating

tell me :P lol

2007-01-13 11:07:27 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My divorce will be final soon and I don't know if I should go back to my maiden name or keep it for the sake of my kids. I want to change it but then again don't want everyone at work to know my situation.

2007-01-13 11:06:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Theres this guy like twos years older and Ive known since I was like 7. I need to know if he likes me. hes always like arguing with my opinon and we where at camp together and every time he would come out of the water by me he would shake his head So he would get water on me. he also stares off into space looking at me. but he like never talks to me does he like me or is he just a big flirt? help Im totaly clueless.

2007-01-13 11:06:00 · 9 answers · asked by countrygirl101 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

What do you look for in a girlfriend, and if you have one what do you like about her specifically?

2007-01-13 11:03:43 · 9 answers · asked by prometida 3 in Singles & Dating

me and my sister have been really close ever since our mom died. and after my last break up one that was very involved and dragged out my sister got really worried about me. she knows the girl im dating now but i know shes going to be upset about it still. is this something i should be worried about or am i too protective?

2007-01-13 11:03:03 · 14 answers · asked by Emolicious Spencer-Roo 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-01-13 11:01:29 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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