Youre not too old. and not every woman comes with baggage. Just dont rush into something or you wont be happy. But you got plenty of good years left to be married. A family friend of ours just got married .....and he's in his late 70s. Age has nothing to do with it. If you find a woman you love, and want to be with...why not make it official?
2007-01-13 11:17:06
answer #1
answered by Dani 7
You are certainly not to old at 42. You have a point in your discription of what's left in your age bracket however. A 42 yr. old woman would have the same problem.Only with her every man would probally wonder what was wrong with her. Right ??
I am the Mother of 5 grown children, 2 girls and 3 boys. All are happily married except the youngest boy and he is about to be 37. He has been engaged for some time. Financaly he has not been able to get married and afford the wedding she wants. Her parents can't help her but they have this huge guest list. One of my boys and one of the girls are on their second marriage but no children were envolved. Thank goodness for that. Just kids.!!!
Our nest is now empty and my husband of 54 yrs. and I are now enjoying sharing the rest of our lives together. God has been good and my life has been saved and that is when I truly knew how very much I meant to my born again believer husband.
I don't want to live one day longer then he does. I met him when I was 13 and he was just out of Boot Camp. I married him when I was 22 and he had just re-enlisted. He retired from the US NAVY after 3 tours to Viet Nam. I am now 76 yrs. young.
I hope I won't offend you by suggesting that you look in the right places for a nice Lady.We are in a large church and the Bible Study groups are full of women in your age group. If you lived in Houston, Tx. I would take you to the right class. ha ha.
If you have a dog, take it for walks in the park & etc.. They are always good things to start up a conversation about. I'm sure you havn't been under a rock for 42 yrs. Anyway, I enjoyed sharing with you and I wish you the very best. Growing old with someone can only get sweeter each day. I pray for that for you.-----Jill--USA
2007-01-13 12:14:36
answer #2
answered by Jill ❤'s U.S.A 7
Of coarse your not too old to get married. But you'll have to remember what you said...about the baggage. Your a minority in your age bracket with marriages. To find a woman without the baggage is going to be pretty much impossible to find. Unless you want an old spencter woman, that's either ugly, fat or crazy. Ask yourself..Do you want a family so badly enough to take on the baggage?
Then find a woman who you fall head over heels with...that the baggage doesn't even bother you at all. YOUR HAPPY...
2007-01-13 11:32:38
answer #3
answered by camile j 1
I went through the same thing at 41, jumped into a whirlwind romance with somebody who had enough baggage to fill an episode of Jerry Springer (didn't know there was that much until after I was in deep though), was pretty sure I made a mistake about a month before she dumped me. Moped around for months after that. Questioned life, the universe and everything. Called and tried to "be friends", figured out she's a mess.
I'm 43 now. Wiser too:) But I hear you:) I come hear to read the horror stories so I feel better about being single:)
2007-01-13 11:51:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I assume your a not destined to be alone. There's tons of younger women who don't have the baggage most older women have, who dig older guys. And since you 42, you probably have a good job, maybe a house or what ever, so younger girls will feel more secure about that. Some of the guys there age aren't as distinguished.
2007-01-13 11:18:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You are never too old to get married. You would probably be surprised at how many women there are around in the same age group as you who have never been married yet. If you don't want to get married to anyone who has been married before join some singles clubs, and for goodness sake don't just get married for the sake of being married. I know of someone who got married and while he was very fond of the person he married, he was not in love, which has caused him problems. Someone always turns up when you least expect it.
2007-01-13 11:26:24
answer #6
answered by Alwyn C 5
Don't say that, I know that is hard. But 42 you are young, I bet really hot, and women of pride and can get any guy... Go out there and find the guy you want and need. You aren't too old... My grandmother was in her 60's and she was a widow, then just like that when she turned over to 70's she married and has been ever since then and now she is in her 90's... She had it ruff, and only married to the first man for maybe 20 years if not less... So if other women can get out there when they are over 50 then you will have just the same amount of luck I bet. Best of wishes, and good luck!
2007-01-13 11:20:25
answer #7
answered by Need to know 2
So, marry someone younger with less baggage.
But seriously, we all have baggage. As a man who is 42 and never been married you are used to living on your own. You might be kind of difficult for a spouse.
Nobody is perfect, neither you nor your future bride. That may be the most difficult thing for you - learning there is nobody who is perfect for you. A lot of guys I know who didn't get married for a long time had that problem. They couldn't accept a woman who was as imperfect as they were.
2007-01-13 11:18:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Your not too old... I was 48 on my last marrage. Now on to the other questions, women our age may have baggage but they also have a lot of experience. They have been thru it with their ex's and know what is a big issue or a little issue, they also appreciate you more if you are good to them. Don't think too much about having kids, at our age most already have them or don't want any. Just look around, you might be surprised. Good Luck.
2007-01-13 12:10:25
answer #9
answered by John J 2
Many states have a minimum age to get married. I don't believe that any have a maximum age. It is never too late. Don't assume that all of the women who are divorced have too much baggage to try again, plus there are women in your situation as well.
2007-01-13 11:25:32
answer #10
answered by brews 3