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okay i'm gonna send this guy a message telling him i like him. i don't know what to say, i don't wanna make it sound stupid or creepy not anything like that. does ne body have any suggestions?

2007-01-13 11:15:32 · 17 answers · asked by Blah-Blah590 4 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

17 answers

Just be straightforward and tell him that you like him. If he has any kind of a heart, he won't think that you're stupid, regardless of how you say it, as long as you say it from the heart. Good luck. =)

2007-01-13 11:19:04 · answer #1 · answered by Robert B 3 · 0 0

Just tell him how you feel but don't get too much into it because that tends to scare guys off. If you have known him for a decnet amount of time, you can say something like "I'm not sure if you feel the same, but i really am starting to get interested in getting to know more about you. What do you think?"

2007-01-13 19:19:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Honesty always goes further than beatin around the bush. Just say (if u were sendin a txt of a letter, though saying it to him would work better)
"Listen 'Cutie'(wateva his name is) i thought u might like to know i think ur a sweetie 7 if u'd like, wanna go out with me sometime?"
It's not the best i know but just tell him how u feel.

2007-01-13 19:25:13 · answer #3 · answered by stevieglenwright 3 · 0 0

if you don't know what to say maybe you should talk to him in person or have a friend talk to him or you can give him a note saying Do you like me. if you have his phone # call him and talk a while and than start a conversation on who you both like make him tell you first or just start describing him, when I called the guy i had a crush on it worked for me!

2007-01-13 19:24:11 · answer #4 · answered by Lauren P 1 · 0 0

say to him that you don't what the message to sound stupid, and don't say creepy, but you could say I kinda like you at first and see what he says to that, or like say that I want go out with you or something like that

2007-01-13 19:20:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"Hey guess what! - I think I have a huge crush on a little hottie named........ "

And add his name in,
Hahaha, Believe it or not...
That has worked with me over 4 times.
Guys think it's cute most of the time.

I also text messaged this guy once,

"So are you ever going to make the move,
Or am I going to have to make the move on you? "


I hope I helped.


2007-01-13 19:21:09 · answer #6 · answered by It's Just me.... Kiwi :) 2 · 0 0

just send him the message that you would like to meat and talk or let him know you want to be with him. go for it

2007-01-13 19:23:23 · answer #7 · answered by freeman3905@sbcglobal.net 6 · 0 0

Just tell him that you wanted him to know that you like him and you were wondering if he'd like to go on a date or something.

2007-01-13 19:18:22 · answer #8 · answered by Irish Girl 5 · 0 0

Send him a message saying. "I like you." that will porbley work.

2007-01-13 19:20:37 · answer #9 · answered by l1v1n9 D34D 91R| 1 · 0 0

Does this have to be done long distance? Things with relationships are USUALLY best done face to face.

2007-01-13 19:18:08 · answer #10 · answered by danl747 5 · 0 0

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