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Family & Relationships - 29 September 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Okay, 80% I am not happy with my boyfriend. We always fight, but have alot in common. Almost everyday I don't want to be with him anymore, accept on rare occasions. I have almost no good times to remember with him, but a whole lot of bad ones and okay ones. Sometimes he is the coolest guy and i feel like he is my best friend. But but there is no chemistry. So why do i keep giong back if im not happy? Do i luv him or just too comfortable for change?

2006-09-29 12:50:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

like when a boys ask her something she alway give in

2006-09-29 12:48:41 · 8 answers · asked by sugerbabylover13 1 in Friends

my boyfriend broke up with me about a week and a half ago. He said that i was too flirtatious around other guys. What the heck? Would u get jealous just because your girlfriend hugs other guys?

2006-09-29 12:48:37 · 15 answers · asked by hotchickhazeleyed 2 in Singles & Dating

copy and paste the most appauling,sick,weird or funny question you have ever seen!anything interesting,

2006-09-29 12:48:03 · 2 answers · asked by misslikestotalk 2 in Friends

If so tell how it happened. Did you take time to check out his equipment?

2006-09-29 12:47:27 · 11 answers · asked by calidzyner 1 in Friends

Great Aunt Emily is coming to dinner but she now takes her late husband's ashes in a jar wherever she goes and wants us to set a place for him. My third partner says Great Uncle Fred will have to eat alone in the kitchen or my partner's going down the pub. What to do?

2006-09-29 12:46:22 · 21 answers · asked by Harriet 5 in Family

ok, I really like this girl but... she has big b***'s ahem ahem..I try not to look at them but its like "must not look..noooo" and she notices and im like, "dang it!".. and i want to ask her out but i think she thinks im a perv and it probibly wont work out :( is this true, what do i do now???

2006-09-29 12:45:49 · 9 answers · asked by msg90_sniper 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-09-29 12:45:40 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

we both know that it is not acceptable but we both have some powerful strong feelins for each other we both are very much in love. We are both 23 and cannot have children due to a previous incident so dont worry about that. So please give me some advice and no nasty remarks we have already gotten the jerry springer one so dont bother

2006-09-29 12:45:23 · 15 answers · asked by Yorgi 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

calling all guys and gals! whatt is your ideal of the opposite or same if you swing dat way sex? the whole lot looks, personality, hobbies be as honest as you dare! names of celebs allowed! lol

2006-09-29 12:45:09 · 14 answers · asked by phoenix 1 in Singles & Dating

I am sick of getting e-mails on there and not knowing who they are from, or being able to read them. I want to switch to another sight if it's not possible.

2006-09-29 12:43:53 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Wheelchair at the nursing home? And just take the cane with me? I figured if I take the cane I will have a fighting chance...which one would you think that I should take? What should I do? I want to impress the next Mr.Right!! HELP!?!?!

2006-09-29 12:43:07 · 10 answers · asked by ღсяаՀу∙թіхіе∙ժմѕτღ 6 in Singles & Dating

How could you do it
I couldnt say
Years built on sand
June until may
Second to second
Lied even while you held my hand

Its death for the living
Yes i am a ghost
The mirror is cloudy
I loved you the most
You threw out the pieces
Did things we didnt understand

He doesnt want her but he just wont let her go
She started breaking but she still wont let it show

The clothes in the wardrobe
Just send them to me
Theres bills her for you
Thats cause nothing is free
We build up with things
To make us who we want to be

Is she in the background
I just wouldnt know
Did i build you a prison
Please dont let me go
Ive unlocked the doors
But you cant walk away from me

He doesnt want her but he just wont let her go
She started breaking but she still wont let it show
He doesnt want her but he just wont let her go

2006-09-29 12:42:46 · 7 answers · asked by Ashley 3 in Singles & Dating

I want to get the top part of my ear (the cartilage) pierced... but I don't know witch side I'm suppose to get it on. I'm right handed and I'm NOT gay.
So... left or right?

2006-09-29 12:42:44 · 15 answers · asked by ♥femme fatale♥ 2 in Singles & Dating

hi peoples how are you? any ways hope you would be fine. I wanted to know that there's allot girl love me, so just tell me whom should i go with like what should be exiting or sorta exiting should be in her so i go with her so just tell me like (eg) preety optimistic preety like that

2006-09-29 12:40:51 · 17 answers · asked by Mr.Philosopher 1 in Family

2006-09-29 12:40:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I really like this guy, he is kindof, a geek, but he is so sweet, and so cute, and so perfect, i want him so bad, i have to figure out how to get him to at least be my friend instead of someone i just talk to every now and then.

2006-09-29 12:40:05 · 12 answers · asked by newischk 2 in Friends


My friend is an ******. She broke all the rules of friendship and is bringing personal matters to yahoo answers. SO I am too.

2006-09-29 12:39:55 · 4 answers · asked by mylipshurtrealbaaad 2 in Friends

2006-09-29 12:39:47 · 50 answers · asked by BlackPantherNightmare 2 in Singles & Dating

kind of long but...My boyfriend and I of 3 years broke up a month ago. I was begging him to come back, but he said no. So I quit asking. And seemed uninterested in getting back together. But then he asked me last night to get back together, and I said no. I told him that I wanted to just go back to dating, since we see eachother a couple days a week, and talk every day. I told him I wasn't ready to rush into the whole relationship thing because the same issues might arrise. I want to take this time to date and see if this "friendship" builds a better foundation for the relationship, and if it doesn't then we could just grow apart. I really do want to be back together, but things in the end got out of hand and I want him to prove himself before I do anything drastic likethat again. (he had a drinking problem, and threw me out of my chair the day before I broke it off.) He has since quit drinking, and is going to anger management, but I still want more reassurance. I love him dearly, and

2006-09-29 12:39:26 · 14 answers · asked by MaNdYb 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

Time can take it's toll on the best of us
Look at you you're growing old so young
Traffic lights blink at you in the evening
Tilt your head and turn it to the sun
Sometimes the T.V. is like a lover
Singing softly as you fall asleep
You wake up in the morning and it's still there
Adding up the things you'll never be

Alright, I can say what you want me to,
Alright, I can do all the things you do,
Alright, I'll make it all up for you,
I'm still in love with you,
I'm still in love with you

2006-09-29 12:39:01 · 11 answers · asked by Ashley 3 in Singles & Dating

what do i do? there is this guy who i think likes me but i have been asking my friend to do it and he will never tell her if he likes me. so i have no idea what to do but he freaks me out cause he is like always kissing his desk and stuff he is really shy around girls but not with boys (espeacially around me) so please help

2006-09-29 12:37:59 · 3 answers · asked by creampie2008 1 in Singles & Dating

This really nice girl who lives in my dorm at college finally asked me out because I didn't have the guts to do it myself. I'm going to take her out Sat. night. Where should I take her?

No nasty stuff please.

2006-09-29 12:37:43 · 6 answers · asked by JS 3 in Singles & Dating

I have a crazy brother, he hurts me, is mean to me and he is younger. He won't even listen to me if my mom tells him to.Help!

2006-09-29 12:37:40 · 2 answers · asked by sillygirl227 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

Hypothetical question. Please don't take this the wrong way, I don't mean it from a materialistic standpoint. Let's say you're a shy person, not ugly or anything, you're afraid to make the first move in real life, you're talented, but no one knows what you're really like or how great you can be. Let's take that person and put him in movies and show him playing different roles -- the hero, the villain, the womanizer, the best friend, the troublemaker, the smarty pants, the nutcase, etc. etc.

Would you say that people would see him differently because they're seeing how versatile he is, showing different traits, different sides, and that he's not just some shy guy nobody? All material issues aside, perhaps they would end up liking him enough to develop friendships and relationships with this guy?

It doesn't even have to be a shy guy. It could be a white guy who's into black girls, but black girls would never know because they'd assume he's only into white girls. Ok, just throw him in a romance flick and have him fall in love with a black girl and they can see themselves in her shoes with him. Get it? Or how about a guy everyone assumes is not aggressive or tough? Put him in an action flick, blow up some bad guys, get the girl and save the day.

There's people out there who are capable of many things which most will never know about, because the opportunity sometimes doesn't present itself to that person so that other people will see a whole different side of him/her. An opportunity to show others that you're more than what other people think you are. What's everyone think about this concept?

2006-09-29 12:37:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I have just enjoyed sex for the first time with a woman older than me. I'm 18, she's 27. It was fantastic. She loved it too.
Do other men and women agree?

2006-09-29 12:37:17 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Last week I went on this date with this guy who is 20 years older than me and he is exactly what i'm looking for. We went dinner and a movie, we played some games and he won me stuffed animals and just hung out. He payed for everything. We have plans to go see a show next week and the tickets are $119 dollars each and he bought them. We talk every day and text all the time. But at the end of our first date he only said bye. he didn't even try to kiss me or anything. I don't know why. Does he only want to be friends?

2006-09-29 12:34:37 · 18 answers · asked by melmae702 1 in Singles & Dating

i really love her and dont wanna cheat n look for wut i want in another grl...so wut should i do or how should i ask her for sex or a handjob or wuteva??

2006-09-29 12:34:02 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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