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Family & Relationships - 7 September 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2006-09-07 10:33:36 · 3 answers · asked by marshay p 2 in Friends

ok so we have been married for three years and about a year ago she caught me texting another woman that i met on myspace, nothing physical just talking, not even about sex just random ****. but since that incident she thinks i am cheating which i am not, i cant even go out with my boys anywhere without her calling my cell under a blocked id just to see if there are girls around, and when i get home she gives me the third degree and even makes me feel bad for going out. how do i get her to trust me again?

2006-09-07 10:32:32 · 16 answers · asked by ? 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Many years ago I knew a family by the name of Houbrechts who came to Canada from Belgium and I believe they moved to Alberta at one time. I would be grateful if anyone could give me some infos about any member of that family. There was a son and a daughter by the name of Jennie


2006-09-07 10:32:19 · 1 answers · asked by montralia 5 in Friends

i always wondered. if a girl pops her cherry with a toy of some sort. is she still a virgin?

2006-09-07 10:32:12 · 26 answers · asked by ShaneA 3 in Singles & Dating

2006-09-07 10:31:27 · 1 answers · asked by marshay p 2 in Friends


which do u guys prefer, a one night stand, a sex-only no talk, or an innocent holding hands, peck on the lips relationship? i prefer the innocent one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-07 10:30:55 · 7 answers · asked by ♥ Pretty Innocent 2 in Singles & Dating

My wife and I have been together for 5 years and are in our mid 20's.

Were we going to wait another 3 years, but decided a month ago to start in a few months because we are both getting the baby bug.

My wife has been baby crazy for about a year, she has cried a few times when she came home after spending the day with her friends' babies. She said she felt sad because she wasn't a mother and it "hurt her heart."

Now that we plan to try for a baby she doesn't even want to look at baby stuff or talk about babies, she said she doesn't want to get her hopes up and make things worse for her.

Is this a normal thing for a woman?

2006-09-07 10:30:14 · 31 answers · asked by HappyHippo 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-09-07 10:30:02 · 9 answers · asked by cooper243 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

how i can find a hot bf in my school...i mean..if i found him...should i make out with him????

2006-09-07 10:30:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

My friend, I would call her a best freind becuz we would act like it, but I dont believe in best freinds, so anyways,... I was totalling crushing on this guy and the only reason that we did not have a relationship is becuz we were from different religions. But this guy was so different, he was so sweet. My friend and I stopped talking as much becuz she moved away.... and well,... next thing I know, she got married to him. Apparently, he thought the baby was his. But it turned out to be it was'nt. So, I dont know why I am upset with her,... I thought I was over it. But she was she did to him was so wrong on so many levels but I guess I still feel hurt, becuz I loved her so much,.... we were always there for each other.

2006-09-07 10:29:55 · 3 answers · asked by Photographer 6 in Friends

2006-09-07 10:28:28 · 10 answers · asked by The_Dude 1 in Singles & Dating

Shouldn't love make you do crazy things..but in a positive way? Then, what's the purpose behind the lying? Is it that there is no appreciation involved until its finally lost?

Honest Opinion

2006-09-07 10:28:28 · 5 answers · asked by Lina 1 in Other - Family & Relationships


I'm the only person I know who had a dad like this, nobody even has one similar....lol, most of my friends parents are things like doctors or own their own businesses or whatever.

He was a long haired rocker/hippie/outlaw. I don't remember him ever having hair shorter than his shoulders. He was constantly listening to music, or playing it on his guitar. I grew up listening to the Stones, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Tom Petty and all the greats. He was an artist, a poet, a musician and on the whole a good man. There's no other word for him except for cool. He was smooth...lol, everybody liked him. He was intelligent and sophisticated and the best man I've ever known. Unlike some other fathers, he did things with me and actually enjoyed them.....just simple things like playing cards, but it meant a lot. There's no words to truly describe him, but that's the best I can do.

Ok, this might have seemed lame but I just felt like telling a bunch of strangers about my late dad. I'm 17 now and he passed away 3 years ago, and I constantly think about him. I enjoy remembering my dad, but I'm just coming out of a depression that was triggered by his death. Sometimes though (and often) I can't help but think about him.....especially during major moments, like when I got my license. Any advice on how to deal with this better, because so far I've been doing a crappy job.

2006-09-07 10:27:58 · 30 answers · asked by Led*Zep*Babe 5 in Family

Ok - heres the deal.

I invited my friend (who is really annoying and flirty) to come berry picking with me.

Then i invited my boyfriend.

And sense she flirts a lot, i dont want her to come now.

Im gonna write her a note tomorrow with an excuse for her not bein able to go. any ideas for an excuse?

2006-09-07 10:27:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

My girlfriend is acting really strange the past couple of days. She says she is confused about herself and wants a little time to figure things out. She barely talks 2 me anymore and i cant figure out what about and why she is confused about herself. Is this because of full moon or is she in her period? Suggestions anybody?

2006-09-07 10:27:32 · 27 answers · asked by the big guy 1 in Singles & Dating

Can any one suggest new methods.

2006-09-07 10:27:13 · 5 answers · asked by md m 2 in Singles & Dating

I was there today.

2006-09-07 10:27:10 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Seems that whatever I do, the woman only goes for the guy who mistreats her in every way possible.

2006-09-07 10:26:53 · 18 answers · asked by David Cross fan 3 in Singles & Dating

everytime i want to hang out he got a reason not to.I cut class today to hang out with him but he saw a diffent freind and left me alone.(not the first time i might add)He call me his closest friend in my school but doesnt act like it.He act like i am a 2st rate freind and by this i mean he treact everyone else better than me.Suck that the fact that guy code does not really let me show any feeling.I alway defened him when people had called him gay.He my closest freind i got in that school but the fact he does not like to hang out with me is pissing me off.I told him about that but he said i was crazy.So should i dutch him?

2006-09-07 10:26:29 · 10 answers · asked by armando p 1 in Friends

hey...this guy i really fancy is going away on hs gap year soon...i told him how much i like him because i knew i cudnt rest til he knew and i wanted him to know b4 he left....he says he fancies me loads and he is really sweet....but he wants to go further with me b4 he goes away...is he being pressurizing?i mean i like him loads but i want to get to know him more b4 we go further...we havent met up properly since we met...we havent even kissed yet...we've been talking online loads but we know each other from school and work....what do you think i shud do?

2006-09-07 10:26:21 · 11 answers · asked by belleoftheball 2 in Singles & Dating

Guys, do you prefer girls with make-up on or no make-up? Rude and stupid comments WILL BE IGNORED.

2006-09-07 10:24:14 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

When I was in high school I had the opportunity to pursue a religious calling to the priesthood; however I chose a different route. I chose to ignore the religious calling and continue with a "regular life" and ended up getting married. I have been happy in my marriage, for the most part, for over two years, but I am now suffering from depression and constantly think of whether or not I made the right choice. I guess there is nothing I can do about it since I don't agree with the thought or act of divorce and I have made the commitment so I intend to stay with it. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice for me?

2006-09-07 10:23:59 · 17 answers · asked by checkmate 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Come on people a lot of you guys are acting like you're someone else or leading out your fantasy person. How many of you are true blue and how many of you are elephant pink ?

2006-09-07 10:23:56 · 13 answers · asked by This, That & such 5 in Other - Family & Relationships

my exx and i dated for about a year and its been two years since we split we are still close and whenever we talk to eachother we have a wonderful time we both have been dateing others but nothing has worked out we both still have feelings for eachother and how do i ask him if he would ever consider getting back together without freaking him out ????

2006-09-07 10:23:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I've always had my own room, so I never gave it a thought until now. I've met people recently who live in small houses, only with 2 bedrooms. The parents sleep on one bedroom, and the teens in another one. Some of these rooms are too small, and they can only fit one bed, so they brother and sister who happen to be teens sleep on it.

Is it just me, or is that wrong?

2006-09-07 10:23:13 · 27 answers · asked by Document Guy 2 in Family

ok. i like this guy brett. he's in my art class. we like the same bands.(Panic! at the disco, taking back sunday, fall out boy, afi, ect.) in fact, i even have the hoodie he was wearing today. i like him because we have the same taste in a lot of stuff, or so it seems. we even have the same shoes! (converse chuck taylors) thing is, i dont think he even notices me. i've caught him staring but he's always talking to this other girl, marissa. i dont know if they are just friends or what but they are always talking. my question is: how can i get him to like me, or even notice me goddamnit, i just wanna get to know him better! please no sarcastic responses.

2006-09-07 10:22:59 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-09-07 10:22:07 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

2006-09-07 10:21:58 · 22 answers · asked by VanillaIce 3 in Singles & Dating

be specific. what would you want me to do for you if I were your man that says honey I still love you more than anything.

2006-09-07 10:21:39 · 17 answers · asked by oldsoftee2001 6 in Other - Family & Relationships

i have been in love with her for 3 years, i always think of her when im watching romantic shows and will always put myself as the guy and she as the girl . i masturbate to her everynight . i love her so much i only reply to her msg and no one else, i only chat with her on msn but not one else .

our friendsip is quite a healthy one, we go out often, play with each other and stuffs like that . im afriad she might find out some day.

i wanna stop loving her and be a real frieand to her, but how can i ?

2006-09-07 10:21:14 · 18 answers · asked by paranoid 1 in Friends

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