I'm the only person I know who had a dad like this, nobody even has one similar....lol, most of my friends parents are things like doctors or own their own businesses or whatever.
He was a long haired rocker/hippie/outlaw. I don't remember him ever having hair shorter than his shoulders. He was constantly listening to music, or playing it on his guitar. I grew up listening to the Stones, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Tom Petty and all the greats. He was an artist, a poet, a musician and on the whole a good man. There's no other word for him except for cool. He was smooth...lol, everybody liked him. He was intelligent and sophisticated and the best man I've ever known. Unlike some other fathers, he did things with me and actually enjoyed them.....just simple things like playing cards, but it meant a lot. There's no words to truly describe him, but that's the best I can do.
Ok, this might have seemed lame but I just felt like telling a bunch of strangers about my late dad. I'm 17 now and he passed away 3 years ago, and I constantly think about him. I enjoy remembering my dad, but I'm just coming out of a depression that was triggered by his death. Sometimes though (and often) I can't help but think about him.....especially during major moments, like when I got my license. Any advice on how to deal with this better, because so far I've been doing a crappy job.
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