I've never had a serious relationship, just so you know. There is this guy at my youth group that I really like alot, and he likes me, but its kind of hard since we go to different highschools. I heard he's crushing on this other girl at his school, and I can't help but being jealous. Then on the other hand, there is this jerk at my school that is incredibly good looking, and flirted with me so much last year, but completely ignored me this year. But then all of a sudden today he came up and hugged me and it stirred feelings within me that I had never felt before. I really don't know what to do. This is really eating me up inside because I love the boy at my youth group, but then why don't I feel the same about him as I do with the boy at school? Maybe it could be infatuation? Please only serious answers.
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Singles & Dating