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Family & Relationships - 27 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships

Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2006-08-27 09:17:42 · 2 answers · asked by radageo 2 in Friends

Ok she acts like a 5 year old she always hogs the tv,when im on the phone she puts on speaker phone and be doing stupid suff and she sniffs people and she always get mad like if im snoring but i can't control it cause i have asthma.She opens the door when she is using the bathroom and she flashes us and all she does is eat and lay back down.What can i do and she does alot more this is just daily stuff everyday.What should i do?

2006-08-27 09:17:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

what should i do??

plz help!!!

2006-08-27 09:16:57 · 15 answers · asked by gymnastcutii19 2 in Friends

all her relationships fail so she is jealous n gets upset when im with my boyfriend n she is jus like a very unidentical twin as she copies EVERYTHING i do do i ditch her? we been friends for YEARS!

2006-08-27 09:16:41 · 8 answers · asked by Im_da_damn_boss_nerd!!! 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-08-27 09:16:22 · 21 answers · asked by whitelily 1 in Singles & Dating

I've never met a girl who had too much booty. Booty is a good thing and lots of it is better.

2006-08-27 09:15:53 · 10 answers · asked by icyhott4urmind 1 in Singles & Dating

My best friend is named Karlene and she says there are not many other Karlene's out there! Is that true? If you have known one or you current know one please in clued the age Thanks

2006-08-27 09:15:51 · 2 answers · asked by shiva 3 in Friends

In my eyes these are too immodest and cause other guys to stare but she is pleading with me to let her wear one.....what should I do?

2006-08-27 09:15:39 · 43 answers · asked by Lucky L 1 in Singles & Dating

i am really worried about my girlfriend doing something to herself. The reson been is cause her mom expects so much of her and she is only 16. everyday she has to wash the clothing and dishes NO MATTER what!!! and there is absolutly nothing wrong with her mom. the brother gets away with anything. (a real mommy boy) my girl is tired of trying so hard of make her mom happy. she does not have the normal life of a 16 year old, a much harder life. She is the top student in college with 98% every term and her mom says good but you can do better!!!!! Every teenager dreams of thoes mark. everytime i see her she just wants to break down and tells me i am the only reson she is staying alive. i love her lots and i need to get help fast. we been dating 2 years. her mom is very strict HELP PLEASE

2006-08-27 09:15:22 · 6 answers · asked by guy in love 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-08-27 09:14:59 · 10 answers · asked by whitelily 1 in Singles & Dating

I like you : )

2006-08-27 09:12:56 · 38 answers · asked by Kat 2 in Singles & Dating

i always belived my husband with eveything and all of the sudden i found out that he was cheating on me. i took him back and then now i fell like i can never trust him anymore. i feel bad but what do i do about it we had councling but the trust is still an issuse since this issue i not sure on what to do about it i call and i feel like hes tring not to awner his cell im worried do i leave him or stay trst him or stay in disbelife.

2006-08-27 09:12:47 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i just married her month ago, we do some really erotic things in the room, BUUTT this one was way out there for me, she had taken a shower and after came in the room and told me she wanted to know how it feels to have a tongue in her behind, and convinved me taht she cleaned it extera good, but i still told her i dont think tahts a good idea, i was kind of embarassed a lil i guess, very strange, would you others wives let your husband do this or ask him to do this???????just wondering if my wife is just the exception

2006-08-27 09:12:40 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2006-08-27 09:12:39 · 11 answers · asked by whitelily 1 in Singles & Dating

i met a guy and he like me and i don't know what to do and and i don't know what to say to him!!

we talked for 5 hours online!!
we talked about our lives and he liked mine and i liked his!!
we have a lot in commen!!

2006-08-27 09:10:52 · 14 answers · asked by SARAH 2 in Singles & Dating

((i asked this guy over 2 weeks ago if he would go with me to our high-school ohmecoming and he said he would think about it, and he still hasn't said anything to me about it, how long should he wait before giving me an answer whether it be yes or no!?!?!))

2006-08-27 09:09:41 · 16 answers · asked by honeiibunz09 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

what the Measurement of Abstinence and Purity of women now a days...after marrige and befor .. and been a virgin until Married is a Society Shameful or a proof of prudent?

2006-08-27 09:09:00 · 6 answers · asked by Alone 4 in Marriage & Divorce

ok, there's this guy & he's a couple of years older than me. he's great! i really like him, i have for like a year now. well, he use to call me all the time every single night, & we use to hang out, but now he doesn't do that as much. We still talk on the phone & hang out. He always seemed interested in me, now i can't tell, becuz when we are on the phone he acts as if he is interested, & then today, he just stopped & looked at me it gave me chills down my spine. & i called over to talk to me, & he gave me this look & smiled and i swear it was the fastest i'd ever seen him walk. {lol he's a slow walker.} he seemed so excited to talk to me, & a few weeks ago he asked me to go with him to a ball game, i went, but nothing happened.{his parents were there to though.} i'm so confused, i can't tell if he's interested or if he's not. Any help?

2006-08-27 09:07:48 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Her mother and family are coming and would like to serve a meal at the reception. but... i already made a hair appointment at noon, and hubby- to be and I dont want it to be late, we want to get to our honeymoon. So, would it be wierd to have a dinner at like 3pm?? what should we do?

2006-08-27 09:07:41 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

I choosed http://www.singlefemale.net and http://singlemale.net to repesent the network of single males and females. Do you think just by the names my hit rate promoting a singles/ dating site should be higher than average?

What are my best ways to promote these sites?

2006-08-27 09:07:31 · 1 answers · asked by Mobilewiseguy 5 in Singles & Dating

My wives fine with it, thank goodness, i took a chance the first time, i gave her oral while she sleeping in the morning to get her up, i figured itd be a nice thing to get up too and i guess she thought so too, glad she doesnt have a problem with vaginal discharge and things, but it was ok for her, what about the rest of you???

2006-08-27 09:07:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2006-08-27 09:06:45 · 25 answers · asked by Christy 3 in Family

Would you dump your boyfriend of 3 years if he never mentions he wants to get married in the future? I mean, if you feel it's one of your main goals and he doesn't seem to ever mention it, would you give him an ultimatum?

2006-08-27 09:06:28 · 24 answers · asked by alopez 2 in Singles & Dating

my sister hates me she hates me because her mother is jelouse of my mom for getting with my dad and having me so she told my sister that im not her real brother and that she should treat me like crap and she does treat me like crap. she throws stuff at me and when ithrow stuff back she says "dont do it again *****" im not scared of her because i kill her if i want but it will be all over the news i would go to jail and i dont want to deal with any of that so what should i do? my sister hatess me because her mom hates me my mom and my dad, she even once got my dad in trouble she is just a hatefull person what should i do?

2006-08-27 09:06:21 · 6 answers · asked by Eric B 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

if given u a chance to (smoothch) kiss some 1 who would that be , lolz , common leave ur barriers a side and think and tell dont worry i wont tell ur hubby or ur wife or gf or bf ,common its just a question , whom would u love to kiss hard and would love to stick your lips on him/ her ?

2006-08-27 09:05:33 · 2 answers · asked by ickon2004 2 in Singles & Dating

When I go through a drive through to get something. I've noticed one guy winks at me another one, seems to really look at me and give me big smiles. Even as I'm pulling off he's still looking at me. I've noticed this a lot. I know they have to give you eye contact and everything. But I get a feeling of flirtiness a lot. You can tell by the way they look and you and stuff. But then for everyday when I pass guys or things like that I don't feel I get that attention. Is it because I look different from the window to the car. Then I do usually. Is it because there's a distance there? Maybe it's my imagination but I don't think it is. Also I'm not fat. So the fact that they just see my face, it has nothing to do with my body. I mean I do have some guys interested in me. I'm not saying I'm a total dog or anything. It's just I get a feeling from some guys when I go through the drive throughs.

2006-08-27 09:04:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

this guy is pretty wealthy, but he's up there in age - he's got a cute young girlfriend - he told me he asked her how she feels about having sex.

her answer was she thinks it should be "infrequently"

He asked me if this is one-word, or two?

any ideas, or thoughts?

2006-08-27 09:04:15 · 2 answers · asked by cvy2000 3 in Singles & Dating

u have this BEST FRIND that u rarely get to see, and when u go to her house, its all cool... but wehn she comes to yur house... she goes through EVRYTHING!!!!

she goes through yur purses w/o yur permission
she messes up yur bookshelf so all the books are falling out
she leaves yur bathroom as if she was dying of thrist and missed
her mouth
she goes through yur clothes and makes ugly comments
she jumps at u, but when i get mad at her
sarcasm, she says get over it

evrytime she comes over (not alot since she lives across the state) she does this, and i dont realize it (again) unTIL she starts... i mean i luv her.. but she has NO repect for privacy. she'll only not go through it if it is labeled PRIVATE.
ive hounded her last time when she went through my magazine drawer and when i came through the door she stuffed them underneath my bed... and when i caught her sh said
".. well, u do the same thing at my house..."
WHICH IS A LIE!! and it left me TEARS!!

2006-08-27 09:04:14 · 21 answers · asked by iyikka14 3 in Friends

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