Over the summer break, this guy that i liked had sent me this quiz, at first the quiz was simple like do you like me? or would you go out with me? but then the questions got sexual...i went to my friends for help and they said to tell him how i felt..so i did, well the part about me liking him..well as time went on, he took the quiz and said yes to all the sexual questions...keep in mind we're both 14...then he asked me if i would do it...i wasnt...but we kept talking on the phone and i kept talking to him because i wanted to know why he wanted me to be his first (his motives)when he didnt like me the way i did him, and he knows there are many other girls who like him, he said that I was the only girl from school or anywhere that he trusted, and then he said that he wanted to do it with a girl who liked him for more than the fact that he was "good looking", and everything was fine, until he asked me again, and i said i wasnt going to..because he wanted it as "friends with benifits" and
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