I've just been having one of those random, let's see what comes up hours on You Tube, which eventually took me to listening to a few old Dire Straits, or more particularly, Mark Knopfler, guitar solos.
I was wondering how many Answerers out there would even remember Dire Straits, let alone remember, that the lead singer and lead guitarist was Mark Knopfler.
Such great songs as 'Sultans of Swing', Brothers in Arms' and "Romeo and Juliet" all were penned by this rock genius, but I for one, haven't heard much from him for some seven years now - since 'Philadelphia' was released in 2000.
So - a question for those that read this - was Mark Knopfler one of the worlds greatest guitarists? Did he have a truly unique tone and delivery so good, it made you stop, listen and maybe cry? My own view is that he did. A truly wonderful musician, with a unique style, instantly recognisable after hearing only a few seconds of music.
Am I right, or maybe just holding on too tight to the 80's?
16 answers
asked by
Bonzo the Magnificent