My daughter always gets straight As in everything she dows. Her GCSE results were 11 As and 1 B in Physics. She got a B and not an A which is what she was expecting having had As in all her Physics course work, because her teacher LOST one her written course work submitted months before the final exams. The final grade was a mixture of written course work and the final exam. We have complaied to our MP to no avail (we were told BS by our MP) we wrote to the examining board who didn't care. We appealed to the school itself and the head teacher who obviously wants to HUSH the whole issue as it is their teacher's fault for losing the written course work. Tha teacher has since left the school and cannot be traced. Nice way of teaching a youngster that adults really are responsible people. We have since given up and she does not get the A she earned. Your thoughts ? Thank you.
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