I'm a high school senior, and I got got my transcript. I'm going to be graduating with a 2.3 :(
Even when I really do try, that's just how it is for me. I take AP classes in English, and I have been told that I write well, but that's about it. I suck at math, science, and... most other subjects, really. And no, I don't do extracurriculars, either.
But, anyway, I want to get a degree in English, and try to become an editor for a publishing house. I was thinking I could maybe start as a freelance proofreader.
I have heard that English degrees are nearly useless in today's market, but that's one of the few subjects I'm any good at. My parents can't help me pay for college at all, and I have no savings, so I will be getting myself into huge debt by going to college.
My counselor tells to me to go to college anyway, but I don't know if it's really worth it, in my case. I'm poor, and my GPA sucks.
Should I bother? Is there anything else you'd recommend for me instead?
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