this is to funny . ok first off people i never said i was right > i did say i try to use words that make SENCE lol . that was for the ones who pointed out my spelling , kudos , and run on sentences lets see how could make another one of those could it be like this one im writing about here now or maybe i could come up with another one . oh my i just did , oh and i didnt see anyone pointing out that i do not use a capitol letter beginning my sentences . but i did make my point , people are not all from over sea's , and what i was pointing out is words used to express themselfs . i will not say i am sorry for this i would hate to think i will walk into the bank soon and maybe finance a new truck , and the person say to me what DOES you need a loan for . here is one also , how about i go into the hospital and the person askes me , why come you here ? im waiting for more of the hard hits on me people ! oh this is better than reading silly questions that make no SENCE lmao .
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Words & Wordplay