My original first choice is NYU, but i need a composite score of at least a 27. i plan on retaking my ACT in September, and then taking my SAT in october so i can apply early decision by Nov. 1st for NYU. But i think my chances at NYU are pretty slim, because my GPA as of right now is a 2.7, and weighted its a 3.7 but i intend to get both much higher by the end of the year [I was a c student freshman and sophmore year, but i turned around my junior year with all A's and B's and i plan on keeping it up my senior year.]
What other schools should i look at? I live in Florida so i was thinking maybe a state school.
Oh, Im also really involved in my school. I am student government president for the 07-08 school year, i was secratary of our Key Club, President of Science Club, and Head of Prom Committee. I was also a member of jazz band [we got a superior at evaluations and qualified for states], marching band and wind ensemble, But i am not sure if i plan to continue music in college.
4 answers
asked by
I Love My Zune!
Higher Education (University +)