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Education & Reference - 2 July 2007

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Financial Aid · Higher Education (University +) · Home Schooling · Homework Help · Other - Education · Preschool · Primary & Secondary Education · Quotations · Special Education · Standards & Testing · Studying Abroad · Teaching · Trivia · Words & Wordplay

i'm writing a paper on the setting (&& how it contributed to the movement of the story), characters (two with their important character traits), and theme (&& 2 places where it proves it) of a book. I need a thesis statement, and i dont know how to go about writing it. Please help!

btw- i need ONE thesis statement, since they are all going in one paragraph. Thanks!

2007-07-02 11:04:48 · 5 answers · asked by missjamo2 3 in Homework Help

your ear itches. you hands or your noise itches. please no stupid answers

2007-07-02 10:47:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trivia

Our creative writing class has a project. Write a funny story. And I was thinking of turning words into names and making a funny story out of it. "The Tate Family" I've already got two of 'em. Adji (which if you put together with tate would sound like agitate), and Irri (which, of course, if you put together with tate, would be irritate).

2007-07-02 10:31:08 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Words & Wordplay

2007-07-02 10:29:38 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Words & Wordplay

Can anyone please help me with this question regarding the book, Fahrenheit 451?

What moral or spiritual belief system underlies the novel's ideas?

Can you please be specific.
Thank you very much for your help!

2007-07-02 10:26:24 · 11 answers · asked by yellowrainbowgreen 1 in Homework Help

I want to be an actress when I grow up, and I want to know what are the school subjects you need to pass to be an actress? The only problem I have in school is math and science, I am trying really hard to pass them. So if science and math is the school subjects, then I will have to try more to pass thoses classes, I am in the 8 grade.(September I will be going to grade 8)
Please Help Me
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-07-02 10:18:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Primary & Secondary Education

2007-07-02 10:16:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help

How much do teachers get paid to work for the summer as a summer school teacher compared to their normal pay?

2007-07-02 10:10:54 · 13 answers · asked by jennjenn 1 in Teaching

w/ page number

2007-07-02 10:10:34 · 3 answers · asked by erik_stevens_1 1 in Quotations

So thing you do not share. When playing.

2007-07-02 10:02:42 · 1 answers · asked by jobees 6 in Words & Wordplay

We were talking about OJ Simpson getting out of jail and someone used the term he got off SCOTT FREE what does it mean and where was it derived from?

2007-07-02 09:47:12 · 5 answers · asked by skoalsister1964 1 in Quotations

i did a chapter 7 around 10 years ago.have good credit now but my daughter is trying to get student loan with me as co-signer and one of the questions is - have you ever filed for bankruptcy.

2007-07-02 09:45:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Financial Aid

Can somebody please put my mum out of her misery and tell me who the old singer/band member is in the new rice crispy advert currently being shown in the UK?

Its the one where he is sat at the table with 2 little girls maker a marraca (or however ya spell it) out of a plastic bottle.

Its driving me insane!!!!!!

2007-07-02 09:44:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trivia

If there was a list of words, some starting with punctuation marks, is there a way to alphabetize them? All I can think to do is convert the punctuation to a word, then go by that. For instance, COLON would come before EXCLAMATION and AMPERSAND would come before PARENTHESIS.

2007-07-02 09:25:40 · 3 answers · asked by debodun 2 in Words & Wordplay

I am in 8th grade and I am 13 have wanted to become a marine biologist since 5th grade. So I was wondering how I would start my studies, what colleges would be best for that major and if I could start to study now in my grade somehow, how much it would pay, what kinds of animals and plants i would be working with, where i could work and any other information on being a marine biologist. I will really appreciate any help Thank You *Heather*

2007-07-02 09:05:45 · 4 answers · asked by *Heather* 2 in Other - Education

I have a test and I am supposed to answer these questions on the web. I already asked my teacher about this and she said it was ok. So please please help me.

2007-07-02 09:03:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Quotations

I want to say Hamlet, but I am not sure. I knowing me i probably screwed it up. But I love it so much!

2007-07-02 09:02:49 · 6 answers · asked by googirl77 5 in Quotations

I live in texas if it helps.

2007-07-02 08:53:04 · 1 answers · asked by ? 2 in Other - Education

well I didn't finish college and now after a five year hiatus, I'm going back in the fall and I am sooo nervous!!!!! I mean, I don't know if I think I won't do good or something but when I first decided to go back, I felt fine about then when I got on the phone with a different college I'm going to for some questions about registration, classes and such, I found myself a nervous wreck! Why am I so nervous? I been to school for 12 years plus 2 in college s it's not like I never been to school before. How do I deal with this extreme anxiety?

2007-07-02 08:49:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Primary & Secondary Education

Married for 5 years now and my "husband/child" still doesn't pick up after himself, do any housework, make supper/lunch/dinner/breakfast/anything, care for the state of our home or its level of sanitation. How long did it take you to train yours - if ever?

2007-07-02 08:17:40 · 9 answers · asked by heathen 4 in Teaching

I knew someone who had a friend that was expelled from school because he was caught peeing on the dorm public bathroom floor and was believed to have did it 20 times over a period of 2 months. He also lost all his credits as a junior. Did he deserve this punishment?

2007-07-02 08:01:30 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Higher Education (University +)

I am taking economics, and for a project, I was to analyze E-bay and it's bidding and selling system. Can someone tell me how the bidding system works, how a bid that was over bid is nullified, etc?

2007-07-02 07:53:26 · 2 answers · asked by Live Laugh Love 6 in Homework Help

2007-07-02 07:49:17 · 5 answers · asked by Gary D 1 in Words & Wordplay

This is my favorite quote from the movie/musical RENT. I had asked a question of what other peoples fav from the movie was and had a comment saying it's not true, and one saying they didn't understand the quote.
So this is why I think the quote is true and how I explain it.
War is destruction. What is the opposite of destruction? Creation. So there you have it. The opposite of war is creation.

Do you agree with the logic I have used to explain the quote?
Although I love different opinions, please don't be rude in your response. Thanks.

2007-07-02 07:47:12 · 4 answers · asked by choirgirl1987 2 in Quotations

I have heard that the origional meaning of the word was 'Bog Bandit'. Is this true? If it is, can you name someone who fits that description?

2007-07-02 07:45:25 · 10 answers · asked by footynutguy 4 in Words & Wordplay

will i be missing out on anything..like getting an Associates degree..Or will it make me look like I couldn't "start something and finish"..i hear that a lot.

I just want to transfer to the other school asap and get adjusted to the atmosphere.

(by the way, i know community college is a whole lot cheaper, but the transfer school i plan on going to is only about $1000 more in tuition because they are both CUNY schools)

2007-07-02 07:44:00 · 5 answers · asked by Satellite Eyes 6 in Higher Education (University +)

I am just trying 2 find summer quotes....

2007-07-02 07:41:10 · 5 answers · asked by Ariel P 1 in Quotations

I have to come up with a craft to help teach children "patience"....any thoughts? I would like something somewhat simple, but really any ideas would be great!

2007-07-02 07:35:14 · 4 answers · asked by Avon 2 in Teaching

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