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Education & Reference - 2 May 2007

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Financial Aid · Higher Education (University +) · Home Schooling · Homework Help · Other - Education · Preschool · Primary & Secondary Education · Quotations · Special Education · Standards & Testing · Studying Abroad · Teaching · Trivia · Words & Wordplay

I need a quote that can be used as a "come back". A good example would be something like...the best part of you ran down your mom's a** crack and ended up a sh** stain on your mom's mattress from Full Metal Jacket. Help me out! Thank you!!

2007-05-02 16:14:39 · 4 answers · asked by shedevilnotunknown 3 in Quotations

2007-05-02 15:52:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trivia

For example it cant be posters cause it has one letter in front of it . Please help the prize is a ps2 game @@. Thank you in advance

2007-05-02 15:50:19 · 4 answers · asked by gpoetboi 1 in Words & Wordplay

As you can tell, I am interested in becoming a neurosurgeon. I was wondering if there were any prestigious places known for the best neurosurgeons, and any med schools with the best neurosurgery training. Any info would be helpful! thanks!

2007-05-02 15:39:24 · 4 answers · asked by nate w 3 in Higher Education (University +)

I received my acceptance letter from UCLA last week; I just received my acceptance letter from Berkeley today. I'm absolutely torn between the two schools.

UCLA's communications program is more difficult to get into than Berkeley's...however, Berkeley seems to have the better academic reputation overall.

I visited the two schools already, and they're very different from each other...I don't know which school I enjoy more.

Does a college's program really even matter to employers?


2007-05-02 15:38:12 · 7 answers · asked by a girl 2 in Higher Education (University +)

2007-05-02 15:10:41 · 4 answers · asked by mg 1 in Homework Help

...put them in the form of one or two paragraphs that tell an entertaining story?

1. Soldier Boy
2. Walk Don't Run
3. Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
4. Return to Sender
5. Light My Fire
6. Lightning Strikes Again

(good spelling always a plus)

2007-05-02 15:08:21 · 3 answers · asked by GeneL 7 in Words & Wordplay

Just about to start high school wondering what are good subjects to take if I want to become a journalist

2007-05-02 15:03:03 · 2 answers · asked by thesoundofwhite 1 in Primary & Secondary Education

Or, should a teacher be strictly professional at all times?
I am a fairly laid back teacher that likes to tell jokes and I get along really well with my students, but sometimes I think my collegues find me to be too laid back. What do you think?

2007-05-02 14:59:38 · 16 answers · asked by sarah k 2 in Teaching

2007-05-02 14:52:56 · 6 answers · asked by zzz 2 in Trivia

I have to write a 500 word thesis paper.
i need help on some topics. eighth grade level topics
I am out of ideas.
No how-to's or animals or biographys


2007-05-02 14:34:25 · 6 answers · asked by Lexi 2 in Homework Help

I was thinking if a full time working parents could afford to homeschool...

2007-05-02 14:20:59 · 10 answers · asked by malamir 2 in Home Schooling

Please!! I just need to label 10 important cities on a map.

2007-05-02 14:20:10 · 4 answers · asked by calitexscgal 2 in Homework Help

im in 7th grade. its about snowy owls:

I find the snowy owl to be quite an interesting animal. It belongs to the kingdom Animalia, the phylum Chordata, the class Aves, the order Strigiformes, the family Strigidae, the genus Nyctea, and the species Sandiaca along with boobooks, screeching owls, and earless owls.
With a height reaching up to 27 inches and a weight of 4 to 6 pounds, the snowy owl has a reputation as one of the biggest owls in the Arctic. Its wingspan can spread out anywhere from 45-60 inches. Most people are familiar with its winter coat of completely white feathers, and it is not usually distinguished by its summer coat of spotted and striped brown feathers. It is both nocturnal and diurnal, owing to the fact that its habitat, the Arctic, does not darken at night in the summer. Since they have incredible vision and eyesight, snowy owls are able to detect prey from very high up in the sky and swoop down silently to catch that prey.
As stated before, the snowy owl calls the Arctic its home. It also dwells in Canada, Alaska, and sometimes the northernmost states of our country. It prefers to inhibit vast, open spaces such as the tundra, grasslands, or frozen lakes.
Snowy owls eat a number of animals, such as lemmings, hares, voles, shrews, waterfowl, and small birds. Using its amazing vision and especially sensitive hearing, it seeks the prey from up in sky and then, using its special frayed wings, it swoops silently down upon the prey and kills it with its long, curved, needlelike talons.
These animals usually reproduce during the mating season and also when there is an exceptional abundance of their favorite food, lemmings. They are usually sexually mature by the ages of 3 to 5 years. Using echoing calls and a proud display of feathers, the male attracts the female to breed. Following mating, the female usually lays about 5 to 7 round, white eggs a couple of days apart from each other. Finally, after an incubation period of 30 to 33 days, the eggs start hatching. Cute little owlettes as white as snow are welcomed into the world with care, love, and a fresh supply of yummy rodents from their two parents.
Out in the wild, the average life span of a snowy owl is about 15 years. In captivity, however, they can live up to 28 years, almost double their wilderness life span. The adult snowy owl does not have any predators besides old age, since it is at the top of the food chain and the biggest bird in the Arctic. Young owlettes and eggs are in danger of being eaten by foxes and gulls, however. Because its winter environment is very snowy, one of the snowy owl’s adaptations is its dazzling white winter feathers, to help it camouflage in with its surroundings. When the snow melts in the summer, the feathers become brownish to match the trees and twigs. The feathers are also very important to the owl because of what they cover. They warm the powerful wing, which has special mechanics to allow the bird to fly quickly but silently. They also cover the feet protectively to shield the ice cold weather of Arctic winters, which can reach up to -155˚ Fahrenheit.
The snowy owl is usually a pretty isolated owl, unless it is the mating season. Then they are with their partner and babies. It interacts with other owls using a series of hoots and shrieks, much like other birds. Unlike some other birds, however, the snowy owl does not have a melodious harmony to its calls. It does not usually interact with other species, aside from its prey, and that’s only to catch it. It usually hunts during both the day and night, and it is always alert, even when asleep. It’s always on the lookout for more food!
Speaking of food, the snowy owl is a very helpful animal. It helps control the ever growing rodent population. It performs the job of killing only as many animals as is necessary for food. It never takes more than it needs, which is a good thing, because if it did, the entire snowy owl race would eventually starve and die out. It is also one of the least endangered species on the planet.
So, wasn’t that interesting? I bet you now agree with me. Snowy owls are a very nifty and swell animal!

2007-05-02 14:18:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help

2007-05-02 14:17:31 · 4 answers · asked by ariel m 1 in Other - Education

seriously... I'm a second year college student. Last year I got all c's and d's and failed a couple classes, so I was on "academic probation" since september 2006, meaning I could only take 3 classes a semester. Usually you take 5. So, now I'm behind and I just found out I failed another one this semester. Ughhh it's so bad because there's nothing in my life that should be a distraction. I have a job but only have like 3 shifts a week, I don't go out on the weekends and I don't have a boyfriend. I just never seem to read the textbook, etc.
WHAT COULD I DO to improve my grades? What if I get kicked out of school? I would have to work.... but I really don't want to have to take time off to have two mininum wage jobs.

2007-05-02 14:13:31 · 10 answers · asked by kellz8706 1 in Higher Education (University +)

only disadvantages and i need a fact, story/anecdote, and expert opinion.

2007-05-02 14:13:21 · 4 answers · asked by soccer_babe-21 1 in Homework Help

2007-05-02 14:06:05 · 11 answers · asked by emmy 1 in Homework Help

Should illegal aliens/immigrants receive benefits in the U. S.?

2007-05-02 13:53:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help

I am working on a project in school. I have to make up a muscle. I want to name it "the big one" but since most muscles have latin origins I have to name it that in latin. How do I find the interpretation?

2007-05-02 13:24:35 · 3 answers · asked by baby 1 in Homework Help

please show all steps.
Thank you very much.

2007-05-02 13:17:16 · 3 answers · asked by GO Ravens 52 2 in Homework Help

2007-05-02 13:08:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Education

2007-05-02 13:04:06 · 5 answers · asked by ashlynn18 5 in Homework Help

i need some details on how to prove the holocaust didnt happen pleaz help!!! im so confuzed

2007-05-02 12:59:49 · 12 answers · asked by jessica n 2 in Homework Help

I am an gates recipient and thus have a full ride to UW, I also won other scholarships. What happens to the extra scholarship money, can I keep it? To be exatt I have an extra of $70000 over 4 years. How do I get the extra money?

2007-05-02 12:51:33 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Financial Aid

2007-05-02 12:31:29 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Quotations

I need to write a persuasive essay on "Driving at age of 21" and I am against it. Any ideas why the driving age should or shouldn't be 21?

2007-05-02 12:29:50 · 3 answers · asked by ilovepink 2 in Homework Help

it doesn't matter if the college just caters to culinary arts or just includes the class as a major.

2007-05-02 12:27:12 · 5 answers · asked by vsuper15 2 in Higher Education (University +)

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