My main reason for purchasing the Wii is cause of the Virtual Console Channel. Alot of the games coming out now are either just a crap copy of a better selling title, too complex, overly violent or sexually charged, or just plain stupid. With the Virtual Console Channel the idea is that I will be able to download Super NES, NES, Sega, and N64 games, as well as the fact that the system has backwards compatability with the Gamecube. So as far as game line up for the next three systems this one is already on top.
But the catch here is i dont know how much each of those games will cost. If Nintendo tries to charge per game (SNES, NES, N64, Sega) rather than by service than I may reconsider. What do you think?
Pros-big game selection, cheapest system
Cons-not all the bells and whisltes or best graphics
Pro-high tech
Con-too high tech, to really enjoy you need the 5k Home theatre system, HD-TV, Blu-ray DVD's, HD-Dobly Surround Sound.
Xbox 360
Con-halo isnt out yet
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