Wondering if taining that fits my needs is out there somewhere. Would like to learn skills needed to start website. Want to learn nuts and bolts. It is hard to address lvel want with I have time but not much money so first need is something that will let you pay monthly. Got literaterature on Standford Corresponsence, but was truned off when they didn't even address anything about computer you would need for their correspondence course. Any opions on Standford Computer IT Correspondence Coures. Best of all worlds would be if Yahoo offered corespondence course. All promoter of Computer Professor please don't waste both of our time by answering. Did not feel that was worth price asked, but will give them credit, because when course was returnedunused did get promised refund. The more up front course is on price and exactly what will be though the more appealing it is to me. Does anyone know any courses that might fit my needs that I can get mulpi opinions on. Any help will be appreciated
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