Bike refuses to start. Starter motor turns over a couple of times but doesn't catch. Its pretty laboured and after a few turns will not turn over at all. Then you only have the sound of the relay clicking.
Initially I thought it was a cold weather problem as it took a couple of goes to start if it was cold/wet. Then it just generally wouldn't start, even on warm sunny days. So I tried a few things : Battery is fairly new, and was showing the correct voltage. The starter relay was working fine and clicking every time I pressed the starter switch. The starter fuse was fine. I changed the starter motor for a spare I had (Actually the original one). This was worse (more laboured and less turns) so I'm planning to switch it back, although I don't think this will cure the problem.
Failing a miracle cure, if anyone could point me in the direction of an online Honda or CB 500 forum, that works for me too.
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