My In-Laws are in the midst of having their home forclosed on them next week (have another question pertaining to that).
They have made plans to talk to a lawyer about filing a Chapter 13 to try and save their home. Our questions are:
1) In-Laws live on husbands retirement and SSI (there is a total of 4 in the home, two are minors) thisan acceptable form of income?
2) In-Laws haven't filed income taxes for the past 5 years, thinking that they didn't have to because it is SSI and Retirement (don't ask me....I think it's a mess). Will this be a problem, which I think it will be?
3) In-Laws have no "toys": i.e. ATV, RV, summer home, motorcycles. Have one old clunker of a car and as far as we credit cards. The only thing is...they have 3 horses that besides the up keep (which is ridiculous) they also pay to board them. I think that this will be a problem. Am I right? They may not even disclose the horses to the lawyer. Will the courts figure this out?
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