A member of this site asked if it was possible she could be refused tenancy of a flat if she is a bankrupt. I personally dont think the answers given were very constructive so im bringing it up again.
If a tenant provides a private estate agent with all the required information Eg. employee references, character references, a guarantor and six month up front rent, surely a landlord can not refuse? Or is he well within his rights to refuse a bankrupt?
I understand that the member has not disclosed this information to the agent but they will be completing a credit check on her and her guarantor. Surely, if the guarantor has a clean credit history then the landlord would be creating cause for complaint if he refused to let out the accomodation due to a tenant being bankrupt? This has kind of got my back up a little. How the hell to folk survive if they are going to be refused rental of a home, after bankruptcy!!!!
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