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Personal Finance

[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Personal Finance

Im getting married in march and was wondering how to make some more money as we have blown our budget and have a few more things to buy, i think we underestimated the prices.
every idear welcome.

2007-12-02 05:05:14 · 12 answers · asked by drinky16 3

what are her legal rights?

2007-12-02 04:37:45 · 8 answers · asked by Karen 2

is it for real, or is it a hoax?

2007-12-02 04:29:59 · 2 answers · asked by AngelEyez 1

i be making more thann 100 thousand so jus wanted to know wut you normals are like

2007-12-02 04:24:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there really a way to get gov't money for help? Like for buying a house or starting a business. How do you get one without having to pay for the information or buy a cd?

2007-12-02 03:54:08 · 2 answers · asked by Cherry S 1

www.paypalsucks. I want to know what we can do to get our own back. They are a bunch of absolute scumbags and have been getting away with suspending and placing limits on peoples accounts for absolutely no valid reason and not allowing them to withdraw their OWN money for 180 days. This is 2007 why is this being allowed to happen? I made a couple of purchases on ebay and sent and received money. Then when my balance was £431 i tried to make a withdrawl which i did. 2 days later paypal returned the money to my account and placed limitation on it. They asked me to send passport, drivers licence, bank statement, bank card etc by fax in order to remove limitation. I did and they still said no. So basically they had no intentions to do this whilst asking for all your personal info. Told me i had to wait 180 days to get my money back. Scumbags, how do they get away with it, they sit with everyones cash for 180 days and make interest from it. Disgusting!!! who wants 2 crush paypal with me?

2007-12-02 02:21:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im moving out by myself and I am going to be paying my own bills. I want to know how I can reduce the cost of my utility, electricity bills etc. How can i do that?
2) If i keep my computer on 24/7....does it cost more electricity bills?

2007-12-02 01:49:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have 2 loans i took from the 401k . Will they get paid off from the balance of my 401k when I roll over? Will i get taxed?

2007-12-02 01:03:18 · 6 answers · asked by Jason S 2

What interest would I pay monthy on this type of mortgage, borrowing £60,000, the whole of the debt being repaid on death?

2007-12-02 00:33:03 · 6 answers · asked by Kitty Katty 4

I have a problem saving money. I received info. on ING direct this weekend. I have seen the commercials but never paid much attention. I just want to use ING to save money to purchase a car, and to start my saving to buy a home, which I want to do within the next 5 years.

If anyone has used ING please tell me about your experience.

2007-12-01 23:36:21 · 3 answers · asked by eyeamatrip 3

what do you think the interest rate would be for someone who has good to excellent credit?

2007-12-01 21:32:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

in the apex bank cash was deposited on my yahoo ID and my secret number is 00y50580. now tell me how i contact with bank or how i transfer it from USA to Pakistan. plese sir solve my problem. and inform me on my yahoo ID as soon as u can. plz take interest and help me out i shall b very thankful to u.

2007-12-01 20:12:38 · 5 answers · asked by Kk 1

i wanna make my family happy, so i must have more money..

2007-12-01 19:04:52 · 2 answers · asked by ? 1

I want to apply for a loan so I can get an electric car that costs $10,500. And when filling it out, I have to state where I live and how long I have been living here. The problem is, I haven't lived here long. I'm only 19 and I moved out of my dad's house for the first time and then moved into my own apt. where I lived for 1yr. After that, I moved back. So I have been living here for about 6mos. I want to know if there are any loan companies out there that don't necessarily use that to make the final decision. I ask because I applied for a "credit card" for Apple so I could buy a computer but I was denied. The representative said that it was probably because I didn't live at my current residence long enough. The point is, I am a responsible person and I should be able to get a loan and not be judged by how long I've lived at any one place. *Sigh* Any help?

2007-12-01 17:12:27 · 6 answers · asked by Jareth 1

ok. someone gave me a check it bounced and took the money out my acct &charged me a fee. Can i do anything about it?

2007-12-01 15:03:12 · 4 answers · asked by fuccink 1

If I remove my name from the cards. Will it still affect my credit score if she defult the cards?

2007-12-01 14:07:01 · 7 answers · asked by qnh026 1

I would like to open an account with a bank or building society (so that I can make some interest on my salary). Which building society would allow me to open an account quickly without a credit check?

2007-12-01 12:48:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-01 12:33:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I spent most of my time in the internet but I am wondering if I could be making money while I am searching the net, do u know how I could do this? yep I want to make some money let me know if u have any suggestions,
Thanks :O)

2007-12-01 12:13:29 · 8 answers · asked by dulzura 1


2007-12-01 11:42:16 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i know there tons on the net but i have applyed and not getting responses i have had a response before for 200 but i dont remeber the company nor the one i got 300 from cuz it was so long ago does anyone know one tha will call me and contact me to get me between 300 and 1500 cash advance ..?? im needin anything from tha amount like asap .. could anyone tell me one tha they contact u right away and stuff.. thanxs

2007-12-01 11:35:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-01 11:06:03 · 10 answers · asked by piiiowfort 1

2007-12-01 10:19:05 · 11 answers · asked by *rasberryswirlgirl* 2

courthouse in that state and look up how much that person owed and amounts and who they owed the money to? Or is it just a public record that the person filed for chptr 13 or 7 and nothing else is shown? Does anyone know if they can find out more details or not? Like can curious relatives go and find out more details if they wanted?

2007-12-01 10:16:53 · 4 answers · asked by Lea 4

is there any way to get this money back if you would rather invest it elsewhere?

2007-12-01 09:40:27 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have a 15 year fixed mortgage with a bi-monthly (26 payments) payment plan. How fast can we expect to pay off our mortage?

2007-12-01 09:36:41 · 7 answers · asked by momof4 3