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Personal Finance - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Personal Finance

I actually think my husband purchased something online and he says he has no idea what it was. I cannot find the name of the business for the name that appears on the statement. the name of the company is Academy Unlimited...any ideas?

2006-12-05 17:44:33 · 5 answers · asked by sandra t 3

help! so i did exactly what u guys told me to file an item not recieved complaint, I even left a negative feed back on the seller...

now the snake filed an unpaid item strike against me and left me a feed back that i did not pay for the item.... arrrgh that just makes me sooooo mad..... I paid for the item and she knows it!!! I have the deposit slip reciept with me to prove it!... ebay experts out there, please help!!!!

2006-12-05 17:29:07 · 1 answers · asked by Danz 1

I know that banks have strict guidelines to abide by when you a making large deposits. I have never made a deposit this big or even close but I am going to be depositing over 1.3 million in a bank account. I have nothing to hide and can provide any documentation requested by can someone help me with what kind of form I need for this to happen?

2006-12-05 16:11:45 · 8 answers · asked by montanamike 2

I checked out the company, researched it and still lost several thousands of dollars. We really couldn't afford it and are in a really bad position now because of it. I want to try to track down the people behind the scam. I know they have solicited several other people in the US and we're not the only ones who lost money. Does anyone know of any way to track down a scam/fraudulent company? I know the chances are slim, but I have to try!

2006-12-05 15:39:16 · 4 answers · asked by casey's girl 2

Any millionaires who would give me a $100,000.00....

2006-12-05 15:33:43 · 5 answers · asked by nuttin'fancy 5

I'm in an orcheastra group that's tour Austrailia and New Zeland this summer, and we get to play in the Sydney Opera House! Unfortunately, money's tight, and I'm trying to earn the $3,100 Myself. I'm too young to get a job, and I already tutor kids in math. Any suggestions on things that maybe you would pay to have someone do?

2006-12-05 15:16:58 · 6 answers · asked by carlizdapwns 2

I have bad credit and want to get a loan to consolidate all my bills into one. I do not own a home and my car isen't worth a thing!

2006-12-05 15:12:34 · 14 answers · asked by jodie_the_superstar 2

I found a subsidized apartment for $468 in the state Prosser, Washington that I'm moving in 2 months which is one of the cheapest ones. The problem is that from social security disability I get $635 every month. But after rent and utilities are paid I'm left with $70 a month + food stamps ($152) to survive. With $70 left I have to pay bus transportation every month and buy hygiene supplies and do laundry. Please give me some suggestions, I don't know how I can survive like this, I will never be able to buy any clothes or shoes.

I'm mentally disabled and I can't work, and the government's $635 a month is not enough. I tried talking to the social security supervisors but they won't let me.

2006-12-05 15:10:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-05 15:02:43 · 6 answers · asked by Ruly 1

i got this letter from someone stating that i win $1000.000.00 from anual microsoft draw and now they asking me to send money inorder to get the cheque what do i do???

2006-12-05 14:24:48 · 6 answers · asked by Duke 1

im working fulltime and have little time left to manage my finance

2006-12-05 14:07:37 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm looking for a free tool to help me track my portfolio performance. I've tried Yahoo's portfolio tracker, but the charting isn't great. Anyone found a good tool that lets you track daily changes and chart them?

2006-12-05 14:07:10 · 3 answers · asked by Just the Facts, Ma'am 1

I spend... let's see... about $44 on gas plus $25 on food, so like $70 since I live with my folks still I don't need to pay rent. How much do you spend each week? Do you live in an apartment or a house? Are you living with your parents?

2006-12-05 13:56:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there a minimum age you have to be?

2006-12-05 13:43:42 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 2006 vibe that is worth 14,000 dollars according to kelly blue book. I want to sell it because I can't afford my $420 a month payment. However, I still owe 21,000 on the car and my negative equity is so great (-7,000) that the car dealers can't make me a deal. ( I am looking to downsize my payments) Should I just sell the car for what it is worth and bite the bullet and continue to make the payments? or just keep it and be cash strapped?

2006-12-05 13:35:53 · 7 answers · asked by matt d 1

I am getting to a point in my life where I want to smell the scent of freedom. I live at home. Im trying to repay some debts. Im not being forced to leave but I feel so out of place at home. I despise the lack of privacy I have and I feel like I don't get any respect for staying at home. Really my plans were to stay at home until 24 or so (im 20) to prepare and to go to school. My folks seem to be okay with me staying at home for a while.

Getting to the point...

Should I wait or Should I move out?

Id love to be on my own. I feel like I would be so much happier.

Also, If i decide to move out soon, what sort of things should I do to prepare? Starting money? Furniture? Transportation? What are your average costs for living? (In an appartments pls) What sort of things should I consider besides the practicallity of this descision?

2006-12-05 12:52:45 · 7 answers · asked by Chris R 2

I am dreaming of retiring in a wonderful and awesome beach or holiday resort with a lot of pretty young ladies in bikini suits.

2006-12-05 12:32:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just got scammed by these guys. I need to know of names, phone numbers and any (business) addresses they used.

2006-12-05 12:06:52 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do you find out about 401K that you have paid into but let go?

2006-12-05 11:46:41 · 2 answers · asked by boobooheadsup 1

Ive just moved to a new area and im trying to open a checking account. I know that Banks use chexsystems to find out if that person has a good or bad banking history and if they currently have an open account with another bank. My situation is that ive had multiple checking accounts over the years of which 3 of them got overdrafted and charged off. Now ive paid off everything i owe these banks but im having trouble opening a new account. Any advice? anything i can do to help. or am i just screwed never to be able to open up a checking account again? im told that chex systems is like your credit report and information on it can stay on there for 7 years or longer. I NEED ADVICE FROM A BANKER or someone who has experienced this same thing

2006-12-05 10:41:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay i have a mexican 5000 peso's bill. Its dated from feb 24th 1987. I do not remember where the heck this came from but does anyone have an idea of what it might be worth?

2006-12-05 10:28:43 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a mortgage, in a different state than I am residing at this time. I would like to keep the house, but I am behind in my payments. I would like to know when the bank files for a forclosure? I am behind 2 months right now, and as of the 16th, I will be behind the third month. I am trying my best to come up with the full three months payments, by the 16th. If they file a forclosure before I can get the payments to them, what will happen?

2006-12-05 09:38:21 · 6 answers · asked by snovak49849 3

2006-12-05 08:45:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 5 months behind on mortgage. I have been in process of refinance for awhile and having a hard time with that. Credit score is 500 I have great income. Wife stays home. 3 kids ages 8,4,2 I am scared to death here. I have a co-signer available with a credit score in the 700's if needed. What can I do? I am desperate. PLEASE HELP!!!

2006-12-05 08:26:00 · 6 answers · asked by lilmomma25@sbcglobal.net 1

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