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Other - Business & Finance - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Other - Business & Finance

2007-09-27 02:13:09 · 3 answers · asked by Mandy 2

Is this possible and is it usual?

2007-09-27 01:44:04 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i recently bought something at bugis, the guy was good at sales talking a client,,,we were so trusting that the price he gave us is the lowest and the features of the items we bought are good only to find out later that the price he gave us much too high...and the technical specification of the item he told us was bogus....where can i report this?is there a way i can atleast have justice in this matter?

2007-09-27 01:24:35 · 1 answers · asked by cha eun jae 2

2007-09-27 00:25:32 · 2 answers · asked by thilakraja2000@yahoo.co.uk 1

We have been bought by a group of companies, and I have set up a new nominal account for the Intercompany account. Where should this sit on the balance sheet?

I imagine it would sit in the current liabilities, but would this be the case as very often the Group would be owing to us (asset) - should I leave this in liabilities but with a negative figure?


2007-09-27 00:17:22 · 2 answers · asked by louisewoods1984 4

I AM PLANNINg to make a simple letter to my company because i will requesting to transfer to other branch..same company..i am a regular employee here.my reason is my fiance hav a lot there near to branch..,we are planning to move a house because we only renting apartment here..could you pls do me a sample of how to start a letter..i am not good in making a letter ..please..

all answer would be appreciated..

thank you!

2007-09-27 00:05:28 · 4 answers · asked by 0330em@jd 4

2007-09-26 23:26:34 · 2 answers · asked by Gnanasekaran 1

I am going to post a bank draft of 2500 pounds from Pakistan to UK University. But I am afraid if someone steal my Draft or it might be used Unauthorised. If I give this draft to some Eduation consultant or Agent to forward it to University. Is it possible that the Agent will use that draft illegally. I have also heard that University can not Draw money untill my arrival to UK. Is it true ?

2007-09-26 21:52:05 · 5 answers · asked by zubi_smart 1

for the transaction: charged customers for dry cleaning sales on account $12350

under what two accounts does $12350 go under. and are they added or subracted
on my worksheet i have the following accounts: cash,accounts receivable,supplies,land, accounts payable, capital,drawing,dry cleaning sales, dry cleaning expenses,wages expenses,rent expenses,supplies expenses,truck expenses,utilities expense, miscellaneous expens.

2007-09-26 17:59:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

that company address:

CC: General Manager,
Expatriate Technical Support Services,
Shell, Nigeria

You shall be required to furnish us with your valid ECOWAS residence, work permits and identification card on or before the 10th of OCTOBER, 2007 as a proof of readiness to join the WAGP project team in the due time as stipulated above for your job resumption with the SHELL in Nigeria and also to enable you receive your first monthly salary including your due entitlements/emoluments prior to your departure for services with the SHELL in Nigeria.

2007-09-26 17:45:02 · 9 answers · asked by venkatsiri_26 1

aND How much is Cinco Mil Australes 5000 (argentina Money) in US?

2007-09-26 17:06:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

well u know how there are all sorts of businesses where guys can get into nd become rich nd not even go to college for example like constructing nd becoming the head guy of it or interenet businesses selling things.. is there anything like that out there for women???, if there is plz plz plz tell me.. appreciation to everyone.. nd plz no dumb answers that'll waste my time and yours thnx:)

2007-09-26 17:06:09 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

What would be the largest variable expenses that a company in the soft drink industry would encounter?

2007-09-26 16:52:42 · 2 answers · asked by bretmichaelsishot 2

When considering hiring a freelancer, especially a writer, what are your concerns? What do you look out for? What helps you to make a decision on who to hire? Why would you choose to hire one person over another?

I'm doing some research - the more details the better!

2007-09-26 16:43:26 · 5 answers · asked by Jon B 2


the number two reason for small business failure is poor cash management. Class, do you think profit and cashflow is the same?

2007-09-26 16:37:22 · 3 answers · asked by shawntaelsey123 1

2007-09-26 16:15:40 · 4 answers · asked by PRAVEEN V 1

2007-09-26 15:32:30 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need help...i already answered this but i don't know if i am correct or not...can someone suggest answers..tnx..

Indicate the effect (increase, decrease or no effect) on net 1. cash flow and 2. operating profit

The following transactions occurred during the year in the records of Quality Medical Clinic:

(a)Billed patients for fees for medical services.
1.) No effect
2.) No effect
(b)Received payment from patients for accounts received.
1. Increase
2. Increase
(c)Bought equipment which will last ten years.
1. Decrease
2. Decrease
(d)Paid wages to employees.
1. Decrease
2. Decrease
(e)Bought supplies on credit.
1. Increase
2. No effect
(f)Paid electricity bill.
1. Decrease
2. Decrease
(g)Replaced chairs in the waiting room.
1. Decrease
2. Decrease
(h)Billed the government direct for pensioner patients.
1. No effect
2. No effect
(i)Paid insurance in advance for the next year.
1. Decrease
2. No effect
(j)Used bandages and other supplies.
1. Decrease
2. Increase

2007-09-26 14:39:31 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

The following transactions occurred during the year in the records of Quality Medical Clinic:

(a) Billed patients for fees for medical services.
1. No effect
2. No effect
(b) Received payment from patients for accounts received.
1. Increase
2. Increase
(c) Bought equipment which will last ten years.
1. Decrease
2. Decrease
(d) Paid wages to employees.
1. Decrease
2. Decrease
(e) Bought supplies on credit.
1. Increase
2. No effect
(f) Paid electricity bill.
1. Decrease
2. Decrease
(g) Replaced chairs in the waiting room.
1. Decrease
2. Decrease
(h) Billed the government direct for pensioner patients.
1. No effect
2. No effect
(i) Paid insurance in advance for the next year.
1. Decrease
2. No effect
(j) Used bandages and other supplies.
1. Decrease
2. Increase

Indicate the effect (increase, decrease or no effect) on net (1) cash flow and (2) operating profit

2007-09-26 14:03:55 · 1 answers · asked by SHINOBI 1


The task of recording amounts, dates and sources of all business revenue, gain, expense and loss transactions; the starting point of the accounting process.

Maintaining records of the financial transactions of a business including details and copies of invoices and receipts, bank statements and other paperwork required for accounting purposes.

· Process payroll
· Process accounts payable and receivable
· Maintain a general ledger
· Prepare financial reports

Ok I know this much, but I was wondering if anyone could expand on this, go into detail and explain just how things are done, and the process of how to go about it. It would be good, if you were a bookkeeper if you could run through your day of work, or the things you need to do each week. I would be very happy and thankful if you did.


2007-09-26 13:50:34 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-26 12:41:27 · 1 answers · asked by hex_plex 1

How do you do the following journal entries?

Miscellaneous selling and administrateive costs incurred, $12000

Manufacturing overhead cost was applied to jobs (Manufacturing overhead cost is $186000)

Cost of goods manufactured for the year, $480,000

2007-09-26 12:19:48 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

would you recognize the sun, if you saw it in the sky?

2007-09-26 12:04:10 · 3 answers · asked by waterlin 7

Does medical supply drop ship service exist or a e-store that allows you to use it's medical supply inventory (lika Amazon does). Thanks a lot!

2007-09-26 11:55:02 · 2 answers · asked by Remodeling Diva 2

I'm in the financial field and talk to people door to door. The problem is that I'm 26 years old and I have no gray hair. I know the in's and out's of the business but cannot close the sales. Any advise.

2007-09-26 11:50:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

he got da phone in da mail, and he with sprint. the guy who offered him da free phone askd him if anyone else wanna free phone, so he askd me n i said ok. da guy on da phone was definitley a young Indian guy...im Indian so i KNOW an Indian when i hear an Indian...n ppl dat come here from Indiia who wanna b in business r known for bein real slick scam artists. so he askd for my info, n i gave him ssn but a fake name. i told my friend but he ignored me. well i askd if he Indian, he said 'no'...i knew it was gettin fishy. than i told him i dnt wanna phone, but its funny cuz i gotta sprint phone in da mail...n i calld sprint to cancel my account. the number i calld was sprint. well da Indian guy that calld me, i askd him what number to call back, he gamme a number to call but i lookd it up and da number aint listed. so i dunno if its a scam or what cuz how did i get in sprint service AND getta free phone in da mail? btw, the phone i got was different than my friends free phone.

2007-09-26 11:04:49 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. a 69$ debit to the withdrawals account was posted as 96$

2. A 100$ debit to cash in back was posted as 10$

3. After posting a 75$ credit to creditors account, the account balance was incorrectly calculated.

4. A 25$ debit to the store supplies account was posted as credit.

Is a correcting entry required for any of these?
thanks ;)

2007-09-26 10:29:42 · 4 answers · asked by luckyplaya23 2

Google definitions are too difficult ...

2007-09-26 10:28:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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