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[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Insurance

Back in 1986 my mother pre-arranged and paid for her funeral. I was just a kid back then and didn't think anything of it. When she passed away I found out that it was actually some sort of insurance plan that guaranteed to pay for the funeral costs.

My question is: After 20 years of this money invested, shouldn't there be left over money? Does the funeral home get to keep the overage or does it go back to the family?

I have no clue how this works!

2006-06-09 16:43:17 · 6 answers · asked by GeekGirl 2

2006-06-09 15:11:22 · 15 answers · asked by deathboy 1

I am so sick of these human vermon out there that are abusing workman's comp. I am not talking about the people that have legitimate claims. I am talking about the leaches out there that are sniffing around for that magic payoff that will keep them in beer and cigarettes for lifetime. I am interested in what everyone thinks about this topic. I am sick of it.

2006-06-09 11:59:49 · 5 answers · asked by goingfast2004 5

2006-06-09 06:36:29 · 3 answers · asked by bobandmary@sbcglobal.net 1

I called an insurance company about a single piece of paper pertaining to a four year old worker's comp claim. But I can't get past the receptionist. All she does is refer me to the person voicemail so I can leave a message.

I need that piece of paper or my current employer won't allow me to work.


2006-06-09 03:44:32 · 4 answers · asked by JoeyIngles 3

The are satisfied with minimal sales and minimal income.
I am the mentor. I need to make them get more sales.
Should I approach this issue by finding out what are their dreams
and then plan how to reach it.?
Do I first try to find out whether it is a lack of skills, knowledge, perception or needs?
Does anybody know of a case of someone in a similar scenario who has changed to become a productive sales person.

2006-06-08 20:45:18 · 8 answers · asked by monti 1

They cancelled me after my first accident! they love you as long as you don`t file a claim!

2006-06-08 11:11:25 · 8 answers · asked by ROSITA M 2

2006-06-08 07:24:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

What kinds of policies are there besides life insurance? Where should I start looking?

2006-06-08 05:46:12 · 11 answers · asked by hougang sleepwalker 2

2006-06-08 03:53:39 · 2 answers · asked by websrider 1

2006-06-07 13:04:17 · 3 answers · asked by darryl_darks 1

Or is it based on how long you suffered. 2 months lower back pain and theraphy also had to get a tens unit. The insurance campany already stated that they would cover it all due to the fact that the place where this happened they did not put up a sign of slick floor after they had sprayed lysol on the floor a few minutes before.

2006-06-07 12:12:58 · 3 answers · asked by John696969a 1

Here is my big problem: My company purchased in Romania a company called Elaro. Elaro rents FROM an ex-State company around 2000m2 of retail shops for 10,000$ per month and for the next 30 years. Elaro rents to premium tenants all shops at 35,000$. At the expiration of the rent contracts in 2009, Elaro can even increase rents to 60,000$ per months. So Elaro makes a profit of 300,000$ per year now and from 2009, it will make 600,000$. My risk is that the block of flat may at anytime burn or be destroyed by an eathquake. All insurance companies in Romania told me I have to be the owner to be able to insure or get owner approval for that. I can not get any of these. I am serious about that issue.

2006-06-07 11:43:53 · 4 answers · asked by walid abboud 1

ina car accident thats not your fault....does the situation affect your insurance

2006-06-07 09:59:49 · 9 answers · asked by flamezone22 2

as u can guess from my question my profession is selling life insurance and annuities and i wanne develope my talents with ur help and contribution .....thx my dear friend

2006-06-07 06:54:32 · 9 answers · asked by esii 1

I recently took out a loan for a car, I want to take out another loan from another financial institution to pay off the loan for the car because my monthly payment will be cheaper. If I do this do I still have to have full coverage insurance on my vehicle? I dont know that it matters but I live in the state of Nebraska.

2006-06-07 06:44:27 · 4 answers · asked by ♥♫♥ Crystal ♥♫♥ 4

2006-06-07 05:51:16 · 7 answers · asked by Asha 1

I was involved in an auto accident last October and have been released from the care of my doctors. I have all of the documentation that I need to submit to the insurance company, but I do not want to use an attorney. Do the insurance companies use a standard factor for determining the amount for pain and suffering?

2006-06-07 03:56:47 · 6 answers · asked by cshanks_98 1

i borrowed my boyfriends car and was hit. will my hospital bills be paid? by whom?

2006-06-07 02:47:25 · 5 answers · asked by GINA 1

Why are able people allowed to draw medicaid? Example--people have babies and want to be a "stay at home mom". So they use the system. Isn't that stealing from every working person. Why aren't people made to work for their insurance?

2006-06-06 16:03:13 · 3 answers · asked by boohoo 4

2006-06-06 13:28:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok do phone number's from out of state show up on your caller ID or on your cell phone?

2006-06-06 12:10:40 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous