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Beauty & Style - 6 February 2007

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Fashion & Accessories · Hair · Makeup · Other - Beauty & Style · Skin & Body

hi, i used to have blonde on top and black underneath colour hair, before xmas i dyed it all over dark brown, when i did this my hair fell out quite alot, it has slowed down now but now id like my hair blonde n black again. if i did this do you think it would be dangerous, i would really appreciate any help anyone can give me.

2007-02-06 04:46:10 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

Yesterday, I shaved off my goatee that I had for the last two years. The girl that I have been seeing was suprised, but she really like it. We relaxed at my apartment last night and she asked if I would ever consider shaving my head. I had always thought about doing it, but I never have. Should I shave my head.

2007-02-06 04:45:27 · 10 answers · asked by gregt369 1 in Hair

I'm wearing a black shirt and a silver tie to wedding. What color pants and shoes? If I wear a dark red tie does that change the pants?

2007-02-06 04:45:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

The first 2 days i used it seemed to be working,but now i think is making me break out a little more.Should i keep using it,or not? I mean its cleared up a little,but im still breaking out more than i normaly do.

2007-02-06 04:45:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

2007-02-06 04:43:58 · 8 answers · asked by monaUK 5 in Hair

I bought a sweater from Marshalls that does that and its from 'bluespheres' but I can't find them online.

2007-02-06 04:40:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

i am going to invite my whole class which is 24 people, wondering what would be fun, and not to expensive?

plz help

2007-02-06 04:40:08 · 4 answers · asked by Feta Forest 2 in Other - Beauty & Style

I know this is silly, but that skirt matched a side of me that has been long gone. A lot of memories with that skirt. If ANYONE knows where I can get it, or even has a pic of something like it could you let me know?

2007-02-06 04:36:54 · 7 answers · asked by wifemanagermom 2 in Fashion & Accessories

Can anyone tell me where I could get my makeup done for prom? Someone told me that SEPHORA does but i'm really not sure. Also can you give me an estimate of how much it would probably cost. Thank you! :)

2007-02-06 04:36:31 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Makeup

The area where I tweeze my eyebrows is green. My upper lip is also slightly greenish. It's weird, and I hate it. How can I get rid of it, or at least hide it? My makeup doesn't do anything.

2007-02-06 04:34:52 · 3 answers · asked by Lilly B 2 in Other - Skin & Body

I have noticed lately that my concealer to cover the dark circles under my eyes isn't 'doing' it anymore. I have notice that I have some fine lines 'coming' up. And the concealer is making it look caked on and making the fine lines more apparent. This is very new to me and not sure what I'm doing wrong.

My daily beauty routine is using Elizabeth Arden products for wash/cleanse, some toner, moisturizer. Then concealer around eyes patting that in and then foundation, and then the rest of the war paint.

Any advice and suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!

2007-02-06 04:34:45 · 5 answers · asked by wisconsheepgirl 2 in Makeup

2007-02-06 04:33:59 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Makeup

I am mid-30's, in shape, decent legs, etc. Whenever my husband & I go to a formal event, I wear a dress, because it seems the thing to do. I would LIKE to wear pants, like pretty colored pants (of course fancy, dress slacks). I actually prefer pants and a pretty shirt. Is this some sort of turn-off? Are dresses preferred?

2007-02-06 04:33:49 · 5 answers · asked by Mrs. T 4 in Fashion & Accessories

right now my pimples is starting to clear up.. but my problem now is the blemishes that it cause me... my face is like the skin of an orange.. i have holes on my face... pls help me..

2007-02-06 04:31:57 · 4 answers · asked by mark b 1 in Other - Beauty & Style

Most people said thy think these are the bset two options, so they've kinda convinced me on that, but which one is better and are there any types of each brand?

2007-02-06 04:29:15 · 34 answers · asked by :)easy 2 in Hair

have found that most moisturisers just make them oily and sticky. Thanks

2007-02-06 04:24:24 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

My water gets filtered through the softener with rust inhibitor salt, but I still have a problem with orangy hair that gets very dry.

2007-02-06 04:23:12 · 9 answers · asked by avasmom54 2 in Hair

2007-02-06 04:21:50 · 16 answers · asked by Poorest person in the world 2 in Hair

i need to know.do guys like skinny bodies with big boobs OR curvy women[[not fat]] just long lean curves[[like italian women]].

2007-02-06 04:20:59 · 17 answers · asked by summer h 1 in Fashion & Accessories


2007-02-06 04:20:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Makeup

Just curious how many guys out there find freckles cute. I don't care for mine, mainly in the summer when they get a bit darker but I've learned to live with them cuz I know they arn't going away anytime soon. But a guy I've talked to a few times apparently said to his friend that my freckles made me really cute. Made me smile.
Which guys on here like them and which don't? I know everyone is different...just want to see opinions. Maybe you'll help me like mine better cuz the only ones I like on my are the ones on my belly and neck for some reason.

2007-02-06 04:12:03 · 20 answers · asked by Jenny 4 in Other - Skin & Body

My skin is looking worse and worse as the winter goes on. The area around the bridge of my nose and my cheeks are very blotchy and I can't seem to even it out. Are there any products that will help with this or any natural remedies for uneven skin tone? Any suggestions / tips would be great. Thanks!

2007-02-06 04:11:10 · 8 answers · asked by Amy 3 in Other - Skin & Body

my aunty told me she has been doing perms for over 20 years, and even did my mums hair! so i have decided to go through with it, but are there any shampoos or conditioners anyone could reccommend as to stop my hair from drying out completely?

2007-02-06 04:10:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

would a shirt go with a denium skirt.i mean not a short mini denium skirt but one that just above the knees.

2007-02-06 04:06:24 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

I know this might sound like a stupid question to some ppl but...
Is it really necessary to get a facial every month and up to three days before your wedding date?

I was told that since im getting married in june that i need to start getting facials in March, April, May and then 3 days before my wedding day in June. Almost every bride i know goes crazy getting facials as well but...is this necessary or do brides just do it because thats what everyone does? Does this help the makeup artist or something? What is the real deal or advantage?

My skin is very very sensative and i do break out but i cant use acne scrubs or anything like that because it'll make my skin dry and flaky. Currently i am using St. Ives Apricot scrub for sensative skin but i still break out from time to time. I tried using the regular St. Ives Apricot Scrub but it still made my skin dry and flaky which is why i switched to the Sensative skin one. Am i suppossed to be doing something else as well?

2007-02-06 04:05:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Skin & Body

does the make up really cover up anything?

2007-02-06 04:04:54 · 13 answers · asked by whitney J 1 in Makeup

2007-02-06 04:01:38 · 10 answers · asked by WILFRED B 1 in Fashion & Accessories

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