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Beauty & Style - 6 February 2007

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Fashion & Accessories · Hair · Makeup · Other - Beauty & Style · Skin & Body

I just read that something called "biotin" is a natural way to enhance growth of hair, eyelashes, etc., as well as skin and nails. Is this something new? Is it bogus? Anyone had experience with this?

2007-02-06 06:16:42 · 4 answers · asked by ebennett54 1 in Hair

I like to play around with my shoes alot. If you girls do this then you know what i mean...I slip them off, twirl them..standing or sitting ...doesnt matter....Well one day i was standing talking to a co-worker and he asked why i constantly did it...my feet dont hurt...so i know thats not it...and then it hit me that i dont even know why i do it either..lol...any other girls do this and know why? Thanks....

2007-02-06 06:12:00 · 14 answers · asked by Annon... 2 in Fashion & Accessories

2007-02-06 06:11:41 · 12 answers · asked by Quita 1 in Fashion & Accessories

What are these products best used for?

Liquid Foundation
Loose Powder
Powder Foundation
Pressed Powder
Translucent powder

And I need a good regimen using these products for:
covering up pink/brown acne marks
evening skin tone
lightweight, natural, & doesn't look like you're wearing a make up mask
won't look cakey

and what is best for warm weather or for cold weather? Should I change my makeup routine during different climates?

2007-02-06 06:11:14 · 6 answers · asked by odella 2 in Makeup

im going to be in a pagent and i need a talent? something interesting...we are not allowed to sing or use microphones so can you help a girl out....what do you think about belly dancing? if so what song would be good?

2007-02-06 06:10:50 · 4 answers · asked by someones_cowgirl07 4 in Other - Beauty & Style

Hi there I was just wondering if the Russian Hair extension hair is any good because I have been told it is the best and I have had Racoon but it was terrible and all it did was shred!
Plus which hair extensions are better for the hair the sewed in wefts or the bond ones?
Can the sewed in hair ext be put in a high ponytail? Without being seen beause with the bond ones you can't.
Also I am getting a side frindge but I was wondering how you stlyle it with straightners. Thanks!!

2007-02-06 06:08:57 · 4 answers · asked by Chantelle 1 in Hair

about her. It's the way her long hair blows in the summer sun. It's the bright glistening of her shiny teeth. It's the sense of rejuvenation and being reborn that comes from looking into her eyes. It's the sense of life (and the creation of life) that she sparks when she is near him.

2007-02-06 06:06:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

ok so my hair was dyed, dark brown on the top and the bottom black..i wanted to change the top part (the brown) to a dark blonde, so i used a haircolor remover, which turned my hair orange but not quite enough, so then i went back to the store to get another box and they had no more, so i bought the bleaching system from feria...and my hair is ORANGE with my tips being almost platium. I don't know what to do, and I really don't feel like wearing a hat when i go out. Any low budget suggestions?

2007-02-06 06:06:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

They're boots made in the UK and the calf measurement is customised to fit all size calfs. I'm tiny and I can never wear knee length boots so I wanted to try them.

2007-02-06 06:04:32 · 1 answers · asked by Kailee 3 in Fashion & Accessories


2007-02-06 06:04:27 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

is there a pencial that will line the bottom eye like a liquid eyeliner.. i want it to be bold and dramatic.. and that wount smear off.

2007-02-06 06:00:09 · 8 answers · asked by DABY 2 in Makeup

I was wondering what type of tattoo ink most artists use that the color sticks and doesn't fade.

2007-02-06 05:59:54 · 7 answers · asked by Michelle K 1 in Tattoos

My nickname is beauty_quenn.I was pick that because i am beautiful sweet rick and popural.I look like famous beauty-queen.And now everyone thinks for i am really her because i just pick that username.So everyone please stop think that.I am a just girl.A just popural sweet and rick girl so stop think that.Ok?

2007-02-06 05:59:21 · 9 answers · asked by Alexander Rybak #1 fan 3 in Other - Beauty & Style

2007-02-06 05:58:25 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

a few weeks ago my hair was colored much to dark for my skin tone, but i cant get it redone for a month or more, i have very pale skin, blue eyes and now fairly dark hair with a few highligths. anyhow, usually ppl tell you to use bronzer right, but i find the powerd bronzers look fake, so i was wondering is there a better bronzer out there anyone can suggest or should i go with a blush to add some warmth?

2007-02-06 05:56:55 · 11 answers · asked by XcharX 3 in Makeup

Is there a correct answer to this question? What answer are women looking for when they ask their guys this?

2007-02-06 05:55:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

2007-02-06 05:54:14 · 25 answers · asked by tootalll12 1 in Hair

Well my mum says if I had put make-up on before i'm 14 or 16, my skin would mature more and advance more (she means i get wrinkly skin early!) is this true?

2007-02-06 05:51:59 · 16 answers · asked by xchocolate-rainbowsx 4 in Makeup

Junior prom is march 17th and i really need to find a prom dress that is not like a million dollars!!! Does anyone know of any places in the sacramento area what would carry prom dresses?(roseville, rocklin, loomis, lincon, etc.) even second hand stores would be great! thanks bunches!

2007-02-06 05:51:54 · 12 answers · asked by Ashley 2 in Fashion & Accessories

I have SUPER straight hair. I washed it with Wash 'n Curl and then applied a curling gel and tried to scrunch it and it just didn't work. Is there any way to get some curl in my hair?

2007-02-06 05:49:52 · 12 answers · asked by mattsbaby125 3 in Hair

whats the greatest thing (Im a girl,here) to wear to a school dance.(no this is NOT prom or anything like that im in 6th grade) i need LOTS of ideas the dance is coming up.

2007-02-06 05:45:32 · 13 answers · asked by SILVER 3 in Fashion & Accessories

i mean the one on the right. how do u do it

i tried applying gel and then lifting some amt of hair and keepin it up.. but it quite doesnt work out. I have small hair like him. i just want to know in detail how to do spikes like those

2007-02-06 05:42:16 · 4 answers · asked by Kevin M 1 in Hair

They used to sell cheap cowgirl hats at Claires, but they don't anymore. I need one that is no more than $20, and no flowers or other girly stuff on it!

2007-02-06 05:40:28 · 10 answers · asked by Mad as a Hatter 2 in Fashion & Accessories

I don't think I need anything too thick or anything.. I heard loracs wet/dry foundation was good..any other suggestions?

2007-02-06 05:40:24 · 9 answers · asked by spartygal 2 in Makeup

I am only 28 and I have tons of grey hair already! I have very pale skin, dark blue eyes, and my natural hair color is dark brown, but it looks reddish sometimes. The last time I went to a salon for a hair cut, the stylist told me that she did not know what color to recommend because of my pale skin. I thought that was so rude, but I know that there is a color to suit everyone. (I just won't go back to that particular salon!!) Any advice for me on what shades would be best? Thanks :)

2007-02-06 05:39:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

With paraffin wax next week - what's that all about. Can someone help?

2007-02-06 05:38:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

they really stink!

2007-02-06 05:37:00 · 8 answers · asked by Gayle 1 in Fashion & Accessories

Hey, I'm a 16 year old guy. I went over to my girlfriends house last friday and she gave me a french pedicure and painted my fingers hot pink, she said she wanted to practice (she takes cosmeotology at our school). Well I took the hot pink nailpolish off of my fingers before I left, but she wanted me to keep the french pedicure on my toes. She was like "We match now, I kinda like you having a french pedicure, especially knowing that I did it for you". I kinda like having the french pedicure too because I like the way they look. So my question is, should I keep the french pedicure on my toes, if both my girlfriend and I like it on me?

2007-02-06 05:35:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Beauty & Style

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