My question is very specific. I know and we all know for a fact that man/woman die. Why? In our planet some plants live forever or they re-plenish themselves, some animal species live longer than mankind. Stones, mountains do not die. Trees live much longer than mankind! Why do the human cells not reproduce/rejuvenate themselves and old age or sickness bring us to the end of our lives on this planet. What is the logic or reasoning behind nature/the creator that guided the principle man/woman will stay on this planet max. some 100 yrs. Why? My question has nothing to do with sickness or cancer or wars. I am curious to know why life on earth/on this planet has a limited life span. Mountains do not die, some of nature species live longer than man, some animals do have a longer life span (the sea turtle) and many other natural elements stay longer on this planet. Air for example and water is a good example. Why is it that the creator or nature made it that human have a limited life span.
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s t