I think having prostitution illigal causes more problems than if tries to solve.
First, the women have no protection or legal channells..having to resort to be sneaky in order to avoid the cops.
-They are at constant physical and verbal abuse by pimps.
-If we legalized prostitution, we would have them off our streets and away from schools, where they can contaminate the enviroment with say....crack, which can be picked up by a kid....and instead, put them in a 'bordello' locked by a gate.
-desease....it is statistically proven, that prostitutes spread desease when illigal. When legalized nowadays, the facilities can supply the appropriate doctors to test them constantly for std's, as is done legally in nevada.
-legalizing prostitution decreases sexual crime rates significantly, as well as assaults and sexual harassment situations.
-makes it less likely for indecent exposure to young children in say, parking lots.
-Finnally, legalizing allows for clean enviroments,
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