Why is it that I always go into the negitive? Why is it that I blame myself for things which are beyond my control? Why is it that I love people who are not worthy of my love? My heart seems so open so caring and yet the people I allow in are the wrong ones. The reason that this negitivity is in my life is because I allow this negitivity to control me. The world around me tends to mold me, so if I surround myself with negitivity I become negitive. I am a flower in the woods, a beautiful flower, and in order for me to stay beautiful and live I must have the soil for my roots to grow in; the sunlight to feed me; and the rain to quench my thirst, if I do not allow this into my life then I die, if I do I possibly live and possibly grow stronger. I have to allow so much inside me to live emotionally. I need to cautiously allow love into my life as well as give love, but not to the point that I give to much; a nice balance in life. I cannot let the tree next to me take all the water, I must have water myself. When you realize that someone is not appreciative of your love, you must stop, make sure that you take care of your needs, and if you must do this, you may have to let them go and take that piece of your heart. You will always have your memories to look on, and it is a piece of your past, a learning tool for life. I believe that I cannot fear changes as I do. It is stopping me from getting my water, sunlight, and soil to live. Keeping me from experiencing life. Keeps me from living the way life was meant to be savored. A friend of mine says, "If we resist life are we resisting death? If we resist death are we also resisting life?", something to ponder at least. Some of us say we do not fear death, but yet we fear living our life? Some people do not fear life but fear death, seems we all contradict ourselves with fear of emotions or fear of truly expressing ourselves. It seems to just be a big circle of emotions for me and I have been running and running in the circle. It's like a friend said once, he was on hold, circling and circling the airport, waiting for a place to land, but I am tired of holding in the sky, I am the only one to land this plane. I am the pilot of my life it is about time I take control and land.
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