You know those moments in the movies, with the main charecter having so many problems, then meeting a true friend, and that one scene where their arms are outstretched, with that genuine smile on, and they express the lesson they've learned, etc. I long for one of those moments, so full of life, and an understanding of the world, so much. You see, the people in Hollywood can't make it all up! I just wish for one such heart-warming moment of knowing I am in the right place at the right time, and in the right to begin with. Just one life altering smile, with my arms outstretched and a lesson learned.... my heart bursting with energy and life and memories being made. I have not been married, have never given birth. I wonder... are such moments wishful thinking? And if not have you had one, and is there hope for me, such a desparate film watcher? I got this thought from watching a trailer online for The Holiday, and I was happy and sad at that part with Kate Winslet..... can it be?
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~S~ is for Stephanie!