Gender equality is undefined and suggests that the sexes are equal, they are not: no two people are equal.
The intent is to promote equality under the law, or more precisely equitable treatment of all people.
That is if a person can do a job they should get the same pay, but more than that, if they do a better job they should get more pay, regardless of gender, or any other irrational factor, factors that don't influence the logic.
You must be careful we do discriminate against people, the blind cannot drive, the disable can't do certain things, but then again the able cannot do certain things if they can't do them.
Equality goes beyong logic to suggest that a husband and a wife, these two people are the same as two men, or two women, and this is where the logic is illogical. No man has ever given birth to a child and no woman has ever fathered a child.
So is the real term the equitable treatment of people and not the oversimplified confusing term of equality period
8 answers
asked by
Caesar J. B. Squitti