Its to do with an article about san francisco lately and the gays were complaining(again)that their liberties were being stripped.
There were two men who lived in two different towns,
One man lived in a very conservative town,there was a norm that was pretty much adhered to and people who were very different and made to feel paranoid about it,
Having said that people felt safe and secure in their homes and life was pretty much foreseeable.
The otherman lived in a very liberal town where anything could and would go on,people werent bad natured on the whole but you could say boo without being called a bigot,there was people doing drugs and the public toilets were a meeting place for all types of sexual miscreants,but in spirit with the towns ethos it was always left go,you do your thing and i'll do mine,
As a result people in their homes werent always comfortable..
which man is better off?
this is a purely philosphical question, i tried to balance the 2 off,fill in if i didnt.
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