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All categories - 28 November 2007

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I know it had a lot of messages, like for example when he kills his son and the old people and the girl, he kill them and in a few seconds the help arrived.

2007-11-28 08:08:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Movies

I watch their show sometimes...the monkey was the best.

2007-11-28 08:08:01 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

My 15 year old sister is pregnent and told me but said not to tell anyone...I don't know whether to tell my mom or to let her...she is 4 months pregnent...do you think she would have told mom already if she was going to???I am 18 by the way.

2007-11-28 08:08:00 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I live in North Carlina, USA. We are paid bi-weekly and some of us are averaging like 40 hours of overtime per pay period, the money is nice, but I am reaching burn-out, especially with 4 small kids at home (who are not in day care-because its so expensive) and the shift I work being 3rd shift. What makes it even worse is that I wasn't told of all this mandatory overtime when I applied for and got this job 7 months ago. I'm coming to find out that the superivisor who interviewed me lied and wasn't forthcoming about a lot of things with this job. My question is-- Is all the overtime legal? Are there any labor laws being broke and if so, how can I shed some light on what's happening without getting myself in any trouble with the job? This not a bad job, but its physical and involves being on my feet continuously and some heavy lifting.Our busy season sometimes lasts 2-3 months at a time,with small spurts betweeen.The mail is stacked from floor to ceiling
and has to be"moved" by morning.

2007-11-28 08:07:59 · 7 answers · asked by Nyema 3 in Law & Ethics

I don't nessicarley think boy's are ugly.But I think girls bodies are just born full of beauty.Like big boobs.Am I les?

2007-11-28 08:07:58 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

you shoot him down then joe dumps you then you have feelings for Mick and you want to tell him but you were too scared to tell him when he first asked you. now you have feelings for him. Now the big thing is that all 3 are stoners. i know this but Sally, the you, wants to know what mick will feel like. they have no problem that sally doesnt do drugs, but she does smoke. so, if saly says that she likes Mick, what will mick say?

2007-11-28 08:07:57 · 5 answers · asked by Lee Danu 2 in Singles & Dating

Whats your favorite Red Steagal song?

I will go with "Rodeo Blues"

2007-11-28 08:07:56 · 4 answers · asked by ? 6 in Country


y doesnt n e 1 ask about seniour citezen questions in the senior citezen section??

2007-11-28 08:07:51 · 17 answers · asked by rivery 3 in Senior Citizens

For a school project, I'm researching the effects ancient pagan religions on modern day religions, namely christianity. This includes anything from symbols to concepts and traditions. I know a few, but I definatly need more. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

2007-11-28 08:07:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

why do christians choose to ignore everything written in the first five books of moses?
Why do they choose sunday as holy day, when torah says saturday? Why do they not follow dietary laws? Why do they remain uncircumsized? why do they not observe the 613 commandaments in the torah?

Why do they pick and choose and find excuses and phoney biblical citations for everything?

2007-11-28 08:07:39 · 13 answers · asked by brutus 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Wouldn't it be great if schools and hospitals had everything they needed......and the army had to hold jumble sales to get money for bulletts and bombs!

2007-11-28 08:07:30 · 18 answers · asked by me! 2 in Military

did you lose friends because they couldn't accept you anymore?

2007-11-28 08:07:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Because pepole are calling me Emo. My fave bands are: KISS, MCR, Def Leppard, and Metallica.
I were Hollister, Aeropostale, KISS, Def Leppard, and AC/DC, and some Wal Mart stuff.
I like to head bang. my fave colors ae: Red, shiney blue, all sorts of PINKS, and black, and silver.
I don't think I'm emo. But do you??

2007-11-28 08:07:25 · 10 answers · asked by Dokken Girl 5 in Polls & Surveys

2007-11-28 08:07:23 · 3 answers · asked by Scotty 3 in Law & Ethics

2007-11-28 08:07:22 · 2 answers · asked by bluejojobabean 1 in San Diego

2007-11-28 08:07:10 · 8 answers · asked by ♥Saw Dust♥ 7 in Polls & Surveys

2007-11-28 08:07:06 · 38 answers · asked by fryedaddy 3 in GMC


the mirror???

2007-11-28 08:06:57 · 25 answers · asked by Snake Eyes 6 in Polls & Surveys

I mean what kind of lights, the umbrella, the background, and the way to make it look 'soft lens' (where it looks a lil blurry, but nice)????

And where to find a checklist, persay, (e.i. 2 lights, 1 umb....) something like that.

please help!! and thanks to those who did!!

2007-11-28 08:06:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Photography

A lawyer married a woman who had previously divorced ten husbands. On their wedding night, she told her new husband, “Please be gentle, I’m still a virgin.”

“What?” said the puzzled groom. “How can that be if you’ve been married ten times?”


“Husband #1 was a sales representative: he kept telling me how great it was going to be.
Husband #2 was in software services: he was never really sure how it was supposed to function, but he said he’d look into it and get back to me.
Husband #3 was from field services: he said everything checked out diagnostically but he just couldn’t get the system up.
Husband #4 was in telemarketing: even though he knew he had the order, he didn’t know when he would be able to deliver.
Husband #5 was an engineer: he understood the basic process but wanted three years to research, implement, and design a new state-of-the-art method.
Husband #6 was from finance and administration: he thought he knew how, but he wasn’t sure whether it was his job or not.
Husband #7 was in marketing: although he had a nice product, he was never sure how to position it.
Husband #8 was a psychologist: all he ever did was talk about it.
Husband #9 was a gynecologist: all he did was look at it.
Husband #10 was a stamp collector: all he ever did was… God! I miss him! But now that I’ve married you, I’m really excited!”
“Good,” said the new husband, “But… why?”

“You’re a lawyer. This time I know I’m gonna get screwed!”

2007-11-28 08:06:45 · 9 answers · asked by Dan M 5 in Jokes & Riddles

2007-11-28 08:06:42 · 3 answers · asked by turron 1 in Quotations

say someone was dismissed for sending/receiving porno pics on the companies computers, and the company made up a grading system to grade how serious the pics were, does the company have to show the employee or tell them about it??

I can't find it under the employments rights act?

2007-11-28 08:06:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Can you tell me how I go about assuming the lease? The manager of the mobile home park is unfortunately out of the office until friday and I need to do this today!! Would a letter stating that I have purchased the mobile home and agree to assume the current lease drafted by myself or the current owner and signed by the two of us be sufficient ?

2007-11-28 08:06:15 · 2 answers · asked by MerryJayne 2 in Renting & Real Estate

A. true

B. false

2007-11-28 08:06:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anna 2 in Government

Cut off any financial support that goes to Sudan?

Fuel up the bombers?

2007-11-28 08:05:49 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government


Dear Friend,
I know that this letter may come to you as a surprise but i got your contact through the internet
when i was seaching for a reliablie person who will assist me as i need a reliable and honest business partner outside Burkina Faso.I am writing to seek your interest over a transaction, In my department, We discovered an abandoned sum of $30m US dollars (THIRTY MILLION US DOLLARS) . In an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in November 2001 in a plane crash.
Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines but unfortunately we learnt that all his supposed next of kin or relation died alongside with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim. It is therefore upon this discovery that I and other officials in my department now decided to make this business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of kin or relation to the deaceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and we don’t want this money to go into the Bank treasury as unclaimed Bill.
The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after some years, the money will be transferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund.The request of a foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a Burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner.
We agree that 30 % of this money will be for you as foreign partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account, 10 % will be set aside for expenses incurred during the business and 60 % would be for me and my colleagues. There after I and my colleagues will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentages indicated. Therefore to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to you as arranged, you must apply first to the bank as relation or next of kin of the deceased indicating your bank name, your bank account number, your private telephone and fax number for easy and effective communication and location where in the money will be remitted to .
Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you the details of the whole transaction. I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is hitch free and that you should not entertain any atom of fear as all required arrangements have been made for the transfer .You should contact me immediately as soon as you receive this letter.Trusting to hear from you immediately.
Your’s faithfully,

2007-11-28 08:05:37 · 15 answers · asked by Shawn C. 1 in Law & Ethics

Plz tell me what I should do and how could i tell if he's gay?

2007-11-28 08:05:33 · 21 answers · asked by LoveWillTearUsApart22 1 in Singles & Dating

Don't you just love that saying? It just hits the nail right on the head.

2007-11-28 08:05:22 · 10 answers · asked by Alex H 5 in Religion & Spirituality

The reason i asked the question in such a manner is becasue of this article :):) and it was easier http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Family_Guy

Which one do you prefer :
- Family guy
- Robot chicken
- American dad
- The simpsons
- South park
- Futurama
- Drawn together

In my opinion i favour Family guy, I must admit i have never seen Robot chicken but im British and ive never seen it on our tv, so for me they cannot be included. The simpsons will remain a legend as a foundation brick for many shows and for just being brilliant show. As for the others it is very questionable wether when gone they will be legends. In my opinion the simpsons relies on old fans that havent wandered to keep it alive. I wandered. The rest of the shows are drawing in new fans every day. At first i loved Drawn together but as i grew i tired of the rather disgusting humor. South park still gives me a little giggle.Futurama is okay. American dad is a good show.Famly guy wins for now. :):)

2007-11-28 08:05:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Comedy

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