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All categories - 19 November 2007

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2007-11-19 04:21:27 · 16 answers · asked by The Sidewalkinator 6 in Polls & Surveys

I do and if you answer you have just helped an 8th grade student at wy'east middle school with NHD!!!(National History Day)

2007-11-19 04:21:26 · 12 answers · asked by Dawson 3 in Baseball

Iraq's government today said security statistics showed that Baghdad had "defeated the forces of darkness" after more than a year of sectarian warfare, and the United States said it was crucial that Iraqi leaders used the relative calm to get their political fighting under control.

The government released numbers indicating a major decline in violent attacks in Baghdad and the surrounding areas. Attacks such as bombings numbered 323 last month, compared with 850 in February when a U.S.-led security crackdown was launched, according to the government figures.

2007-11-19 04:21:23 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

was dating this girl for a few months. everything was going good and seemed like we both wanted to continue getting to know each other. became intimate a bit early in our dating. then an accident happened. the condom slipped. we immediately got plan b. after she seemed fine with what had happened. she even was affectionate and wanted to be intimate again later that day. she seemed fine, then became distant after a few days. i asked her about it. she said shes trying to figure things out. that what happened brought back feelings and emotions from the past. that instead of a long drawn out talk she thinks its best if we just don't say anymore. i tried to talk about this again a few days later. she said she didnt want to talk. she said basically she got her friend and was moving on. what the happened here? she had an abortion from a previous bad relationship. could this have been the emotional issues from the past?why would she not want my support or never want to talk to me again?

2007-11-19 04:21:22 · 3 answers · asked by curious question 2 in Singles & Dating

Or, if you haven't any children, were you named for someone in your family?

2007-11-19 04:21:19 · 14 answers · asked by Durga sings the classics 6 in Polls & Surveys

Does catalase( the enzyme in the liver and potato which catalyzed the reactions ) change hydrogen peroxide into none-toxic materials ? Explain

2007-11-19 04:21:15 · 1 answers · asked by LIZA 4 in Chemistry

I have a combox box with a list of dates. I would like to assign a macro to each date so that when it's selected the macro automatically runs.

Is this possible?

2007-11-19 04:21:05 · 2 answers · asked by Hector Victorious 2 in Programming & Design

2007-11-19 04:20:57 · 16 answers · asked by Sterling 2 in Cooking & Recipes

pls anyone tell me where i can get full metal body electric blowback pistol ......it means high power blowback like other gbb gun and it lock back in last shot.

2007-11-19 04:20:55 · 4 answers · asked by sharif uddin khan L 1 in Hunting

yesterday i drove my honda civic on road, it got overheating. the coolant came out like steam and boiled water from the cap of reservoir. the temperature gauge hit the red zone. I added some coolant and drove the car again. the temperature hit red again. however if i turn on the air flow in the car, the temperature can keep normal, but the blow is very hot. I thought the fan of the radiator was not working. that might because the thermostat of the fan. do anybody have another idea? thanks

2007-11-19 04:20:50 · 4 answers · asked by qian l 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I noticed the pan wasn't full this morning.

2007-11-19 04:20:43 · 7 answers · asked by Jeancommunicates 7 in Cooking & Recipes

I want to stay healthy. Colon cancer is only one of many things that could eventually afflict an otherwise healthy individual. What other screening tests are recommended for people over 50?

My only risk factors I can think of are the fact my father had a minor bout of melanoma that he was completely cured of, and my mother had lung cancer and died of leukemia. My mother was a lifelong smoker, though, and the docs think the leukemia which occurred suddenly before her death was the result of years of chemotherapy. Thanks for any input.

2007-11-19 04:20:39 · 3 answers · asked by Rick in MD 1 in Cancer

Here's my situation: My girlfriend and i recently got engaged and its a big deal because we are both only children in huge families. Her parents of course are paying for the hall and the church and the other traditional expenses that the brides parents pay for. My parents are paying for the rehearsal dinner and a few hotel rooms for out-of town guests. The problem were having is that her father is dipping into his retirement fund and her mom got a second job to fund this wedding while my parents are sitting back only having to fork out a few hundred dollars for the rehearsal dinner. They arent helping pay for the wedding,they arent paying for the honeymoon and this is SOOOOO not like my parents to just skip out on helping such a huge event in their lives too. My fiancee is now very hurt and heart broken that they arent helping and its causing her to not even want to do the wedding anymore. What do i do???...i'm just so torn : ( Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!

2007-11-19 04:20:39 · 14 answers · asked by redrenontv 1 in Weddings

2007-11-19 04:20:32 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

My daughter's first birthday party is Wednesday. The party is at our house at 5:30pm. I can't make it any earlier due to working family members. We want to take our kids out to dinner around 7pm. Is there a nice way to get everyone to leave by then? Everytime we have these family members over to our house they act like its a family reunion and want to stay 3 or 4 hours. We would like to enjoy the rest of the night with just us and out kids.

2007-11-19 04:20:21 · 18 answers · asked by honeybear 5 in Etiquette

please list age and what you are getting them and if you are telling them about santa and how do they act about it?


2007-11-19 04:20:17 · 12 answers · asked by laura 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

By this I don't mean beers like fosters I mean high quality beers/ale e.g duvel in Belgium.

2007-11-19 04:20:08 · 9 answers · asked by adrianforhockey 1 in Beer, Wine & Spirits

2007-11-19 04:20:08 · 9 answers · asked by Tzone 1 in Physics

John Quincy Adams, Chester A Arthur, Gerald R Ford, Ronald Reagan

2007-11-19 04:20:07 · 3 answers · asked by nikady9 2 in Government

How many of you will admit to blocking people who gave you answers you did not like? I have not blocked one. Zip, none, zero. I may not like, agree, or concur with the answers, but I am open to all honest answers. I asked the question, they responded. So how many of you open-minded people on either side have blocked others, and are honest enough to admit it? How many?

2007-11-19 04:20:02 · 61 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I just really need some good sound effects for an animation that wont cost me anything, although that might be asking a lot from this money-run world

2007-11-19 04:20:02 · 4 answers · asked by crystonix 2 in Programming & Design

My hair is mousey brown, upto about 4months ago i dyed it black and have been doing so every about 6/7 weeks. But now i want my brown hair back. About a month ago I asked my hairdresser what could i do and she said all i can do is wash my hair with washing up liquid and come back for a strand test every 2months. I have been washing my hair with this every week and it slowly makes it fade away but I dont want brown and black hair for ages. Is there anything else i can do?

2007-11-19 04:20:00 · 11 answers · asked by sazidoll 1 in Hair

My doctor says its ok but I have heard it is a dangerous operation (near the heart) and maybe thats why he is not doing anything about it""any doctors out there what do you think,

2007-11-19 04:19:59 · 4 answers · asked by Chris 5 in Heart Diseases

2007-11-19 04:19:58 · 16 answers · asked by Louisiana Boy™ - Go Baylor! 5 in Soap Operas

In other words, what philosophies of Jesus's should an atheist respect?

Anything that references God, the Father, the Kingdom, the apocalypse etc is out.

Anything from the old testament - Golden Rule/Love thy Neighbor - is out.

Any parable that is an allegory for the Kingdom or the apocalypse is out unless it can stand on it's own as a brilliant philosophy.

I think that the philosophies of Jesus are quite useless when viewed through an atheist lens. Sure, there are a couple of good sayings - but honestly what's the big deal?

Remember, this question is about the philosophies of the natural Jesus, not the Christ.

2007-11-19 04:19:57 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I worked for an insurance company as a sales agent. I was paid commisions as an advance to the policy holder paying their premiums. I had an agent account which basically showed what they advanced me. As premiums came in it was taken off the account. When you leave this company and you have a balance in your account, no renewals are paid to you(off your account). If you terminate contract before 2 yrs. you get no renewals regardless of account balance. I ended my contract after 1 yr. I had a balance of 5,000 dollars in my account, money they advanced me. They demanded immediate payment of account with threats of collection. Even though my policy-holders were still paying in. I ended up claiming this on bankruptcy, 1 1/2 yrs later. Than I found out my sales director turned this in as earned income to IRS. They are now coming after me to pay on money I never earned. Help me...I have tried to explain but they don't understand how insurance payment works. Am I wrong?

2007-11-19 04:19:41 · 4 answers · asked by Kelly 2 in United States

i asked a question about a week ago about my breaks squeeking and it seems that i just need to change the pads... talked to a coworker and he insisted i can do the job myself... im a pretty smart guy and im sure i can figure it out, but is there anything not intuitive i need to do? anyone got a step by step process? so far as i can tell its just:
raise car
take off tire
take off caliper with some tool that i need to buy (not that expensive right?)
change the pad
sand down the rotor a little to reduce the chance of it squeeking
put the caliper back on
put the tire back on

am i missing anything?

im doing it all myself because i dont want to spend much money on the car, it just needs to last me through the winter...

2007-11-19 04:19:40 · 3 answers · asked by yourconshence 4 in Maintenance & Repairs

I thought that was banned since Benoit's double-murder-suicide. I didn't see it, I read the results on http://www.wrestleview.com

2007-11-19 04:19:34 · 10 answers · asked by Don 7 in Wrestling

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