I have a Gestational Diabetes and attended the diabetes class from the 3rd month of my pregnancy until now. Everything went fine, I've been able to control my sugar level with proper diet and exercise. My diabetes doctor told me that all has been excellent, baby is ok, and my OB agreed on that - I only gained 15 lb throughout my pregnancy. I am due after Thanksgiving - Nov 26. But today, my doctor says that normally if a peson is diabetic, they usually induce the patient 2 weeks before the actual due date (??). Is that corect? I don't believe in everything the DR says, so she suggesting that I should be induced on Nov 16 - the Friday before Thanksgiving week (??).
She says that the baby might get bigger if it reaches my due date (I've just gained 15 lb! My normal weight gain is around 20 - 25 lb!). Behind my back , I think she'd like to induce me because she will be on vacation the Thanksgiving week!! If you were in my shoe, what would you do? Would you agree to be induced?
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