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All categories - 18 October 2007

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Not sure if you realized that or not. ;P

2007-10-18 12:49:27 · 25 answers · asked by skrdude8389 5 in Polls & Surveys

I have a 97 pontiac bonneville. when i start the engine up the oil pressure's fine util it gets warmed up then the needle drops. It doesnt go all the way into the red it just fluctuates right over it at idle. Would replacing the pcv valve and putting a thicker grade oil do anygood? Or could it be the oil pressure switch malfunctioning?

2007-10-18 12:49:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

1. try strange cuisine from foreign countries
2. participate in extreme sports like skydiving, bungee jumping, river rafting, rock climbing
3. Wear something ridiculous in public if dared

2007-10-18 12:49:16 · 27 answers · asked by Sunbeam 5 in Polls & Surveys

Okay, I'm a sophomore in college (UGA) and I created this cartoon/ comic strip back in 10th/ 11th grade, and now there is this person who is coming out with a cartoon series of the exact name and nature. I unfortunately didn't have it trademarked because I was taught anything about copyrights/ trademarks etc (1st generation college student). Is there anything I can do, because I did plan on making this cartoon/ strip myself. I am also almost 100% sure this person stole my idea because we come from the same area, and I used to show them to everybody in my classes. My earliest concrete proof would be the copies I sent to colleges in my applications. This sucks so bad. I had a theme song and everything.

2007-10-18 12:49:11 · 3 answers · asked by titanpup2005 2 in Comics & Animation

I'm 5'3 105 lbs and I lift 350 lb patients. Been doing it for over 4 yrs now as a Paramedic. I have seen more men get injured lifting less weight. I have not injured myself yet. Why are these guys such wimps?

2007-10-18 12:49:04 · 9 answers · asked by tin woman 5 in Polls & Surveys

for example "YOUR FAT" "your gay" your stupid" "your ugly" "you are gay" "you have no friends" "your a loser"

when someone makes fun of you like this are they just self con. of themselves?

2007-10-18 12:48:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I am going on a trip with my boyfriend next weekend for my birthday to Chattanooga. I can't decide if I want to go to the aquarium or to Rock City. Someone please help!

2007-10-18 12:48:49 · 3 answers · asked by Annie Oakley 2 in Other - United States

No repeats, there's a lot of stuff God messed up on!!

I'll start it off with a few:
1. We breathe, eat and talk out of the same hole. Choke alert!
2. Most planets are inhabitable!
3. Animals have many genetic disorders. We can get sickle cell amenia and there are many kinds of birth defects!

2007-10-18 12:48:37 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

sorry thats all i could provide...

2007-10-18 12:48:28 · 7 answers · asked by shanekeavy 5 in Other - Music

I met a very trustworthy guy in Havana last week on my first visit. He is about to open up a resturant and I asked him if I could be a partner? He accepted. Now we just need to know if the paper work can be drawn up legally in Cuba? The investment is very small, so I'm not worried about loosing money. But I would prefer it if it's all legal and on paper.
I'm not worried abot the US side of it. Only if it is possible to do it legally in Cuba.
Has any one ever done a partnership in a private business in Cuba? Please advise.

2007-10-18 12:48:27 · 8 answers · asked by Almost freeee 3 in Cuba

I live in Western South Carolina and see a very bright "star or planet at about 2:00AM approximately 130 degrees magnetic and perhaps 35 degrees above the horizon.
It seems extremely bright, too bright to be a star, and I cant figure out its identity.
Any help ould be appriciated.
Thanks from,
Captain Jeff

2007-10-18 12:48:26 · 14 answers · asked by capnjfmcg 1 in Astronomy & Space

2007-10-18 12:48:17 · 16 answers · asked by Heatherlikesleather 3 in Polls & Surveys

2007-10-18 12:48:15 · 4 answers · asked by jontae_collins@sbcglobal.net 2 in Botany

Poor people are under constant assault for being lazy but how productive are the Paris Hilton's and Jena Bush's of the world?

2007-10-18 12:48:04 · 10 answers · asked by rabble rouser 6 in Politics

I know my day sucked! What happened to you today?

2007-10-18 12:47:44 · 34 answers · asked by ♥♥Soon to Be Mrs.F♥♥ 6 in Polls & Surveys

I used to be able to create anything i wanted and now i can't do it anymore. How can i get ''it'' back? Should i stop wanting to do something i just can't do anymore?

2007-10-18 12:47:40 · 7 answers · asked by anonymous 2 in Other - Visual Arts

what should i do...

2007-10-18 12:47:39 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Sorry just watched snooker attempt 147 failed .My girlfriend came up with the idea that maybe the car what the McCann family hired was also hired by the person that kiddnaped Madeleine McCann so my idea is that the driver of the car which was hired from that company at the date and time of Madelleines kidnap is the kiddnaper. So anyway i would like peoples oppinion on this subject by leaving me a comment (dont worry i have unlimited memory so i can count how many)sorry snooker again. Does every one have my oppinion that the McCann family have nothing to do with the kiddnap and the above is a possible conclusion give me a comment show we are behind the Mccanns. We all have unlimited memory.

2007-10-18 12:47:38 · 3 answers · asked by pontecarlo 1 in Psychology

I have no names

2007-10-18 12:47:32 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - News & Events

and no, i dont mean contact highs...
hahaha, although those count too

2007-10-18 12:47:16 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I have a 1994 buick le sabre. When i have been coming to lights recently and go to pull away, my car races for a few seconds before engaging and pulling away. The best way i can explain it is it's like dropping it in neutral and pressing on the gas. It doesnt happen everytime, and only when i come to a complete stop and go to pull away again. Could you please provide me with possible reasons why this could happen, AS WELL AS ways i can visually check to confirm the problem. I want to diagnose it myself. Thank you.

2007-10-18 12:46:58 · 8 answers · asked by Kyle 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

I want to go to korea with my husband and he is willing to ask for another 2 years over there if he can take me with him. Is there any one i can reach to talk about sponsorship to go join him?

I can go without being sponsored but i would like it if they dind't hate me because i went without them wanting me to. If any knows who i can call to ask questions about sponsorship or who i can e-mail that would help me out sooo sooo much .

thank you so much
have a nice day

2007-10-18 12:46:42 · 6 answers · asked by audri 3 in Military

would like a lwegal and or clerical rate to answer (they have the most experience), all other personnel are welcomed to answer too though, thanks a lot.

2007-10-18 12:46:36 · 2 answers · asked by cooldaddyo_16 1 in Military

that are 47 inches and 33 inches, respectively. what is the height of the son, to the nearest inch?

2007-10-18 12:46:29 · 3 answers · asked by xoxoxo 4 in Mathematics


2007-10-18 12:46:11 · 43 answers · asked by tedward the dead turtle 2 in Polls & Surveys

A very good friend of mine is dealing with sexual addiction. I want to be able to support him through this, but not be a nag or feel like his mom at the same time. I do a lot of counseling through my work as an educator, but it gets more complex in my personal life. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions.

2007-10-18 12:45:56 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

2007-10-18 12:45:46 · 8 answers · asked by blueeyegagurl831 2 in Dogs

I have been taking yaz for 7 mths. Im a sunday start and last month I was a week late. I started bleeding on the sat. after I was supposed to start. It was only like 2 days that i bled. I have never had a period be late, ive never skipped, and i havnt had one that short.(im extremely regular) So this month I didnt start until the sunday after I started my placebo week. 7 days late. I had blood for 2 days again and the wham it just stopped. I even took a preg. test...negative. Is this cause for alarm or have i just made a change for the better? Professional opinions would be great also.

2007-10-18 12:45:46 · 1 answers · asked by Newlywed06 2 in Women's Health

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