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Okay, I'm a sophomore in college (UGA) and I created this cartoon/ comic strip back in 10th/ 11th grade, and now there is this person who is coming out with a cartoon series of the exact name and nature. I unfortunately didn't have it trademarked because I was taught anything about copyrights/ trademarks etc (1st generation college student). Is there anything I can do, because I did plan on making this cartoon/ strip myself. I am also almost 100% sure this person stole my idea because we come from the same area, and I used to show them to everybody in my classes. My earliest concrete proof would be the copies I sent to colleges in my applications. This sucks so bad. I had a theme song and everything.

2007-10-18 12:49:11 · 3 answers · asked by titanpup2005 2 in Entertainment & Music Comics & Animation

3 answers

If you have something with a definite date on it, talk to a copyright lawyer. Almost all lawyers will give you an initial meeting for free.

2007-10-18 12:55:02 · answer #1 · answered by eagedeon 3 · 4 0

ideas are not protected by copyright, neither are titles of works or themes. the fact that you have some examples of your work, that represent a fixed form, those are copyrighted. If you can find examples of the other author's work that clearly infringe on your originals you might have a case that their publisher would be willing to settle on rather than have a court dispute. Again, it is not the idea that is infringement, but rather how closely the realization of that idea was imitated from your fixed drawings.

2007-10-20 07:34:51 · answer #2 · answered by lare 7 · 0 0

The Wachowski Brothers admitted that the rooftop chase at the beginning of the first Matrix was based on a scene from...I think Ninja Scroll. It was some fuedal Japan anime.

2016-05-23 12:24:46 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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