Mature answers from parents only please. Let me give you some background first. My son is almost 17 months old. He's always been a good child, very pleasant to be around. He's always listened when you tell him to do something, never threw hissy fits in the grocery store or anything like that. I am a stay at home mom, so he is never in daycare. For about a week and a half he's been acting out. i.e. - Ignoring me, throwing things, throwing fits when he doesn't get his way (lifting his arms up when I try to pick him up so it's very hard to keep ahold of him), and-the worst thing- biting (he only bites me, not daddy or any other children). I am about at my wits end. Is this normal behavior for his age? I know kids go through transitional periods so is that what this is? Have any of you other parents had this problem near this age and what did you do about it?
17 answers
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Toddler & Preschooler