My cat is 5 years old. She's a norwegian forest cat, which means she has lonnnnnggg hair that is the hardest to maintain. The first 2-3 years when I had her me and my parents didn't know how to take care of her hair, therefore that ended up with her being sedated 3 times to have her shaved because she is VICIOUS when she leaves the house, and also she still has her claws. She's an indoor cat, so obviously when she leaves the house she goes crazy, and especially at the vet too, which is why she had to be sedated 3 times.
Now she just had her 5th birthday, and for the past 2 years I've been taking very good care of her, mat-free for 2 years until this summer.
I was busy working and schooling, and also went on vacation. My mom doesn't know how to comb her, so now she has mats all over her back (huge painful ones), and tiny ones throughout her body.
So now I am debating on what to do. I seriously cannot cut these mats by myself cuz I will be bleeding from head to toe from her scratching
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