I dreamt I was talking to a strange man, I thought he was a bit cold and aloof, then I noticed he has real light blue eyes, but his pupils were square. This shocked me, and suddenly i didn't hear what he was saying anymore. I looked in the mirror at my own eyes, the longer I looked the larger my pupil became, till the green in my eyes had disappeared and I could only see the black pupil. Then my whole eye began to increase, (like a BettyBoo cartoon), so I looked away, because I was scared.
Then i was in a field with some horses. They all looked the same except for one scruffy looking sweaty sad one, but I knew he only needed a bit of care and attention and he'd be magnificant, so I said I'd take him. As soon as I said this the horse looked regal before I even touched him and almost changed before me into the most beautiful looking animal I had ever seen!
Any ideas!!
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Dream Interpretation