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All categories - 17 August 2007

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on the keyboard....do i have to press like alt+ a number??

2007-08-17 22:12:18 · 7 answers · asked by holly 1 in Programming & Design

I have a gas built in double oven and hob.

The electric ignition (to the lower oven) and clock/timer seem to have ceased working.

The ignition is still working in the grill and hob.

Who can I call out to fix this problem? Would a electrian deal with a gas appliance? Or is there specialist people who deal with electic bits on gas appliances?

Please help I desperately need this fixing.

2007-08-17 22:11:58 · 13 answers · asked by Peanut 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

The bible is very violent and openly sexist too, why do Christians complain that the Quran is ?

2007-08-17 22:11:52 · 8 answers · asked by B 4 in Religion & Spirituality

see shes always worried if others can smell it, we are really close so we talk about everything so she'll nudge me, " can you smell anything" im like i dont smell anything, i know its gross to think about but hey, shes a good girl, she doesnt sleep around has been to the doctor, but nothings helping .....is this seemingly normal for a percentage of women , maybe if she knows theres others out there she wont be so shy, so what do ya think can you help her out?

2007-08-17 22:11:43 · 3 answers · asked by Rºññèè 3 in Women's Health

Was just wondering why.
Some of my friends did badly when they used to be one of the top students.
Dont know why.

2007-08-17 22:11:30 · 4 answers · asked by MyOhMy 3 in Psychology

Or does this make them permanent members of the various radical groups ?

2007-08-17 22:10:38 · 25 answers · asked by su 2 in Religion & Spirituality

used to know a girl when I was a shorty (family friends) but we never used to actually speak to each other, but I used to go play with her younger brother a lot. 20 years later I saw her while I was overseas (we now in our late 20's). We went out to dinner and theatre to catch up. She told me when we were little she didn't speak to me as she didn't know what to talk to me about. Now we get along pretty well and we talked for hours - she told me about the past and what she been upto since. when I suggested I send her something when I got back as a thank you gift, we stopped at her place and she gave me a gift to take home. She hug me goodbye.

I sent her books coz she reads and she went and told her family members. She snail mail me back to say how she enjoyed catching up with me. She sent me a magazine she was recently interviewed and photographed for about her unusual line of work.

Some advice please.

2007-08-17 22:09:54 · 1 answers · asked by tripppah 3 in Family

What significant changes were wrought......and how different did the nation become because of it.......?

2007-08-17 22:09:52 · 4 answers · asked by hey123 4 in History

my sisters friend is, she has one very year!

are you having one?
what do you do in that kinda party?
is it just a regular party to celebrate or is the while thing big brother themed?

by the way i live i ireland so i watch the english one, just FYI

2007-08-17 22:08:49 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-08-17 22:08:48 · 5 answers · asked by Third P 6 in Philosophy

he is my first real bf. we are both in our 20's - is it ok to let him dance w/ other girls at the clubs? or not really....(if u been to clubs in NYC or another big city then u know how some of those girls look (hot) and dance (hot, dirty)....what is your opinions on this? as a gf - should i be laying down 'ground rules' or is that not right - i dunno what is right to do or wrong....

2007-08-17 22:08:18 · 14 answers · asked by camillabutterfly 2 in Singles & Dating

how do you make fire with everyday household products, any ideas.......

2007-08-17 22:07:57 · 4 answers · asked by need2know 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

2007-08-17 22:07:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-08-17 22:06:53 · 7 answers · asked by IKNOOR S 1 in Languages

Instead of avoiding a person who has gone to great lengths to desroy me socially with vicious gossip, lies and other condescending remarks, how should I react to them if we were to unexpectedly come face to face? I don't want to play their game or become physical. What should I do?

2007-08-17 22:06:44 · 12 answers · asked by Mr 1 in Etiquette

Considering both Harding's personal qualities and the postwar climate......what long term impact did these scandals have on Harding's reputation, the Republican Party, and American national interests....?

2007-08-17 22:06:38 · 3 answers · asked by hey123 4 in History

hey, im not sure how, but somehow there is a smudge on the lens of my dlp projector, what do i clean the glass lens with? im a little afraid to jsut spray it with windex i assumed that there may be a special cleaner for it? any help wud be cool

2007-08-17 22:05:22 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Monitors

I think I have a some kind of mild OCD. I obsessive over problems I have with people and the sorts of things I couldv'e done differently. When I get an idea in my head I can't let go of it and I just keep obsessing over that one thought. It keeps me up at night and I can't sleep. Suddenly everything will remind me of a relationship I feel like I screwed up, and I can't think of anything else and I just drift off, unable to focus. It's not just with my thoughts, either. I feel the need to organize things, keep random things like my music collection in perfect order so I know exactly where everything is. I have to finish things like books and moives, and I can't just stop halfway through. I organize things on desks like a game of tetris and leave them in a very set positions.
Is this some sort of condition? And is there something I could take to make me a little looser, forget about social issues I obsess over and not clean stuff so particularly?

2007-08-17 22:04:38 · 4 answers · asked by zud000 2 in Mental Health

what things you like of EUROSTAR ? what things you don't like about riding on it ? fare price ? good service ? ,,, punctuality ?
what you like and what you don't about Eurostar ?

2007-08-17 22:04:34 · 5 answers · asked by Alberto V 3 in Other - Europe

Did any body watch the finace news at arounf 11.30 last night on channel 10??
What happened to the news reporter!!!
He looked like his was going to cry?

2007-08-17 22:04:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

2007-08-17 22:03:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Words & Wordplay

2007-08-17 22:03:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Earth Sciences & Geology

whats the difference between the marines and the army? my dad was a marine in his younger years. I dont know the difference, but ive always been thinkin about joining the military or somethin. do u think i know wut im doin? would it be a good thing to do? I'm looking at goarmy.com for some more info...

2007-08-17 22:03:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Its like a plastic. there so cheap i guess but can be special and for style. its like two of it. and u connect it together? its thin. its not some type of livestrong braclet.

2007-08-17 22:02:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

Here's a this or that survey.

Hamburgers or hotdogs?
Music or movies?
Comedy or horror?
Action or adventure?
Summer or winter?
Moon or sun?
Funny or romantic?
Crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
Rings or necklaces?
Camping out or a slumber party?
White or dark chocolate?
Night or day?
Spiderman or batman?
Spongebob dance or crank dat soulja boy?
Snow or rain?
Prep or punk?
Apple or orange juice?
Sweet or sour?
Ocean or pool?
Dancing or singing?
Cake or pie?
Cookies or brownies?
M&M's or skittles?
Cheese or pepperoni pizza?
Taco or burrito?
Tostada or enchilada?
French toast or waffles or pancakes?
Oprah or Ellen Degeneres?
Mexican or Chinese?
Burger King or Mcdonalds?
Truth or dare?


2007-08-17 22:02:11 · 11 answers · asked by ♥SmileNowCryLater♥ 2 in Polls & Surveys

hmmm ok if ull had a to choose between two guys ,one is very romantic loaded with cash n stuff ( hes not very tall ,hes fair ,not very good looking ) ...he treats this gal nicely ,but on the otherside hes got dirt in his mind .....well n THIS OTHER GUY is quite shy ,difficult to start a running conversation ,but if u manage to do hes got a amazing sense of humour ( hes Tall ,hes wheatish ,hes good lookin) ,and he really wants someone to love him.... so WHOM would u chose

2007-08-17 22:02:05 · 21 answers · asked by (omplExity _|_ 1 in Singles & Dating

I am really confused with wether my boss is flirting with me or just being friendly:
He winks at me
He walks past me, looks me in the eye and then smiles
I passed him a recept the other day and he practically took my hand with it (Slid his hand down my hand)as he looked me in the eye and said "Thanks Skyla"
Walked past me the other day and quickly dragged hus hand across my shoulder
Another co-worker who my boss has been friends with for a long time said my boss told her he cares alot about me
Asked me to come up to his office and had a huge chat with me about random things like if i use protection, what would i do if i got pregnant, What i do in my spare time, Would i like more responsibilites with my job? is everythign alright?
Said when they sell the buisness one day that they are taking me with them
Always commenting me, saying im a bloody good worker.
Whne i went on holiday, he told me to be naughty but be carefull.

Sooo is he flirting??

2007-08-17 22:01:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I dreamt I was talking to a strange man, I thought he was a bit cold and aloof, then I noticed he has real light blue eyes, but his pupils were square. This shocked me, and suddenly i didn't hear what he was saying anymore. I looked in the mirror at my own eyes, the longer I looked the larger my pupil became, till the green in my eyes had disappeared and I could only see the black pupil. Then my whole eye began to increase, (like a BettyBoo cartoon), so I looked away, because I was scared.
Then i was in a field with some horses. They all looked the same except for one scruffy looking sweaty sad one, but I knew he only needed a bit of care and attention and he'd be magnificant, so I said I'd take him. As soon as I said this the horse looked regal before I even touched him and almost changed before me into the most beautiful looking animal I had ever seen!
Any ideas!!

2007-08-17 22:01:32 · 10 answers · asked by Christine 6 in Dream Interpretation

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