i personally think that todays children should be punished more by there parents accordingly,because that way they will learn self respect and treat others accordingly.i mean it never did me any harm when my parents smacked me or i got the caine at school which wasd hardly,i admit i am no goody 2shoes but at least i didnt go round been disrespectfull and damaging property when i was a child/teenager.
also if parents delt with there childrens mis-behaviour then it wouldnt have to be delt with by police and local authority by giving A.S.B.Os out and save money.AND YES BEFORE YOU SAY OWT I AM A PARENT ALSO TO 3 CHILDREN and i would punish them within reason,and if anybody ever told me to stop smacking my child i would tell them its nowt to do with them,its not there children so butt out and do it your way and i will deal with it my way. (s.p.h. of halifax)
19 answers
asked by
simon h