i think its funny. well, i dont support it!! i hope i already made that clear, especially to all you pro illegals! i believe in Legal immigration by following the long and hard process all legal immigrants have gone through. it doesnt matter what situation you're in or how poor you are or where you come from: we cant blame America for all the problems in other countries. all who want to legalize should get in the back of the line, and all those who refuse to go the legal way need to get deported! i also think the government needs to cut off welfare and benefits for illegals(i think that would take care of the anchor baby problem for the most part). thats my stand on this issue. many pro illegals might call me ignorant or racist, but i can expect that! i know im going to be attacked by pro illegals. ok, im up for a debate, even in Spanish!! BUT, i just want my question answered, which i already stated above.
17 answers
asked by
ILoveGreen ZipZapZop