... what, exactly, is the motivation behind posting confrontational "questions" that are really attacks against Church doctrine? You know the sort:
"Catholics! What does Matthew 6:23 mean -- call no man father?"
"Gotcha this time, CATHOLICS, read this verse!"
Not genuine questions about areas of concern, but thinly disguised preaching against the Church and contempt for its adherents.
What do you gain from this? Are you truly looking for informative responses from Catholics? Because regardless of what you get from us, your "best answer" choice always turns out to be ... surprise ... one from another anti-Catholic that affirms your bias and tells you to keep preachin' it.
I have to tell you, if your purpose is to convert people out of Catholicism, attacking and demeaning what they believe is hardly a good beginning. And in my years as an evangelical, this sort of thing was frowned upon. But we didn't have internet anonymity then, either.
Your thoughts, my brothers?
18 answers
asked by
Clare †
Religion & Spirituality