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All categories - 8 July 2007

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1.A knife and fork was used in the Edo period(ie.from 1603 to 1868).
2.A knife and fork were used in the Edo period.

This is a question posted on Yahoo!Japan Answers(知恵袋).
I hope every native speaker will help him.Thank you all.

2007-07-08 13:31:27 · 5 answers · asked by RyoTa 6 in Words & Wordplay

I have also recently lost my virginity.

2007-07-08 13:31:08 · 34 answers · asked by muffin_gawjuzz 1 in Women's Health

C'mon, gents. Get a grip and be a little more subtle about it. They're adults but it may as well be a bunch of middle school kids in there.

2007-07-08 13:31:05 · 5 answers · asked by Yea Yea 4 in Reality Television

My grandparents have a field that they'd like to turn into a prairie, but we don't know were to start.

2007-07-08 13:30:40 · 1 answers · asked by alwaysstagecrew87 2 in Garden & Landscape

He is a lawyer, sole practitioner and has a very old computer. I, his secretary, have been nagging him about upgrading but he doesn't want to spend a lot of money. He told me to order it and take care of everything. I want a 20' monitor and I want to be able to multi-task, I also want windows vista and adobe 8.0. Please let me know of a good afordable model. Thanks.

2007-07-08 13:30:34 · 6 answers · asked by Karen Walker 2 in Desktops

"alexis de tocqueville was a nineteenth century french philosopher whom became famous for his classic work "democracy in American", which was based on observations he made during a tour of the United States."

is the "whom" supposed to be used in this sentence?

2007-07-08 13:30:28 · 9 answers · asked by nycz_shortii 2 in Homework Help

ok, the current owner(old man) got the bike from some guy who owed him money and then he died before he did any of the title work. well the bike has been sitting, because the old man who owns it has no idea how to work on it. he told me about the title situation, and said that i could go to the DMV and ask for a bond, and it would cost around 120 bucks, and i'd have to wait a month to see if anyone would go up and claim it, but the man died, so i wouldn't have to worry about that, and i would get the title in my name. is he telling me the truth, i live in North Carolina.

2007-07-08 13:30:16 · 6 answers · asked by tarzan_man1990 2 in Insurance & Registration

I don't have a dishwasher in my house, so all the dishes in the house are washed by hand. They are usually placed in a dish rack to dry, but all the ones I've had lately either break or rust very easily. I've had plastic, metal, and plastic-covered metal racks and they've all failed me. I haven't gotten a wooden one because most of the designs are too small. Any advice on which brand/type of dish rack to get. Thanks!!

2007-07-08 13:30:10 · 6 answers · asked by juju0116 2 in Other - Home & Garden

ok so i dont know what to do right now my mom, me and my brother and stepfather are living with me sister and her fiance in a big house but before my mom, broether & stepdad lived her i was her just me in the basement well my mom is getting an apart. when my stepfather goes into the army she had one before but she lost it anyways i want to0 go with my mom i'm sick of living with my sister her fiance and her baby i feel like i'm intruding on there little family plus that not all i just dont think i can do it anymore but like she told my mom the other day she wanted me to stay cause she didn't want to be alone like her fiance does lots of things he has 2 jobs plays golf and on top of that he's a firefighter so he's pretty much always gone shes always alone i dont want to stay here when my mom goes but if i go i feel horrible for leaving her alone the i mean i know she has a baby but thats not really adult convo i need some advice?

2007-07-08 13:30:07 · 7 answers · asked by Lauren 1 in Family

(Unless of course there is a draft which will never happen).

So no matter if you are the most patriotic pro-war hawk or a cut & run anti-war lib, the best that the US military can do in Iraq is contain it, which is basically what Bush #1 & Clinton did.

And the US military can do that w/o having to get blow up by IEDs, w/o having to try & train an inadequate Iraqi army & w/o having to add more US troops on the ground.

So would anyone like to tell me why we need a Bush "surge" that will only just stir up the hornets nest in Iraq even more?

Oh & if your concerned about the terrorists in Iraq, the Iraqi Shiites & Kurds (who hate Al Qaeda as much as you do) will take care of them.

Or would you rather have 20 more Bush type inadequate "surges" over the next 25 years or more?

2007-07-08 13:30:00 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Let's say I die, and my speculation that there is no afterlife is wrong. I'm standing at the pearly gates, and St. Peter is saying to the person in front of me: "You murdered. You raped children. You tortured your victims. But on your death bed, you accepted Christ as your personal savior. So, you're in!"

Then St. Peter says to me, "You honored your parents. You didn't murder. You didn't steal or commit adultery. But none of that matters because you never accepted Jesus as your personal savior. What say you?"

I say to St. Peter, "I admit my agnosticism, but it's very obvious now that God exists. But in life, God gave me a brain and free will. I used them. I found in using them that life could be lived morally and responsibly without Him. Is that a sin?"

St. Peter then says, "Yes! You might want to prepare for a big fall!"

I've read tons of questions and answers on here about this, and it appears that what I do in life is meaningless unless I accept Christ. True or not?

2007-07-08 13:29:47 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Evidently the Texas Nutcake is threatening to challenge Pelosi for her San Fran congressional seat unless Madame Speaker files impeachment charges against GWB in the next two weeks.

Betcha Nan is gonna lose big sleep over that......


2007-07-08 13:29:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

with peoples everyday busy lives know a days are people getting enough information on the harms that us humans are doing to our earth? and the consecuenses that follow?

2007-07-08 13:29:37 · 13 answers · asked by Suckka free. 3 in Global Warming

hoow many stamps do you need to mail a letter to newyork to floarida

2007-07-08 13:29:34 · 8 answers · asked by zero9421 1 in New York City

Is there really a federal limit on the number of online payments you can make on your credit card in one billing month? My credit card co. says there is, but I can't find a reference to this law online.

2007-07-08 13:29:34 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

Tangs, angelfish, dottybacks and clowns. I meen are they grazers and so on

2007-07-08 13:29:32 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

Guys, do Virgo women intimidate you? I'm a Virgo, moon sign Libra, Gemini rising, and my virgo tendencies don't really show. However, my boyfriend said that Virgo's are uptight and kinda scary to guys because their so picky. He doesn't know I'm a Virgo so haha on him. But I was just wondering if that's the general concensus, or if Justin is just being too Gemini for his own good..

2007-07-08 13:29:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Horoscopes

cheese puffs!! ya ya! joey loves cheese puffs haha *smiles*

2007-07-08 13:29:19 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

tears away ..??

2007-07-08 13:29:13 · 12 answers · asked by Derby 6 in Polls & Surveys

What pieces should a 23 year old wear?

tees? shorts?

2007-07-08 13:29:06 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

My ex had a son with a man she never married because he was a drug addict. I adopted the boy when he was six and so he is my son and is now 22. Anyways my 11 year old told me since the divorce 1 1/2 years ago they went to meet the father of my adopted son with their mom. He said they went to a hotel to bring him cookies. That does not make sense to me. While we were married my ex who is a nurse got escorted from her office, she was fired because a patient claimed she stole pills from her home although no charges were filed. My ex had a bad back and always was taking oxycontin and other similiar stuff. Am I overreacting or should I be concerned between the hotel visit and my ex getting fired in regard to some drug issues?

2007-07-08 13:28:54 · 11 answers · asked by paco 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Before an election, instead of two years before an election.

Really, the election cycles are getting longer, and longer. As soon as one ends, another begins.

2007-07-08 13:28:49 · 11 answers · asked by Dina W 6 in Elections

In your opinion, what do u think about women who strip? Do you think it should be illegal and legal?

2007-07-08 13:28:36 · 13 answers · asked by natalie 2 in Politics

Cricket what the heck is it How do you play details the most I learned is from Rapheal in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the first movie: You have to know what a crumpet is to understand Cricket. Please inform me I like to gather knowledge.

2007-07-08 13:28:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cricket

Judas Rabbi actually answered one of my questions???? woohoooooo

2007-07-08 13:28:27 · 23 answers · asked by dianehaslegs 6 in Polls & Surveys

I was wondering how common it was for Victorian people to own swings (set) and fountains.

2007-07-08 13:28:19 · 2 answers · asked by VictorianGirl 1 in History

I put him to sleep at a certain time and it takes me two hours or more to get him to go to sleep. It gets fustrating and I just want to know what I can do. Without all the fuss.

2007-07-08 13:28:13 · 10 answers · asked by Loyreen A 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

Does the ground feel me stepping on it?
Does the cup feel me drinking from it?
Does the mirror feel my reflection?

If we distinguish the sensation itself with out mind, does the sensation itself still exist?
I am thinking it does because our memories are based on sensations obtained.

2007-07-08 13:28:05 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

I put my toungue on a iced water bottle and my toungue wouldnt come off so it was frost bit and i pulled it off and my skin ripped off.Now my skin is on the ice!?! how can i heal that?

2007-07-08 13:28:04 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in First Aid

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