Why is this the only answer I ever get from people. My best friend who is African American agrees my me in every sense of the word regarding illegal immigration, but let me guess, he's racist right? What wrong with people. Maybe I should dump my hispanic girlfriend then, or at least tell her that I'm racist because after 5 years she hasn't seen it. But everybody here seems to know me better than her. Can you advocates of amnesty come up with any else besides being a racist or that WHITE people are lazy, and nothing would ever been done if it weren't for mexicans. They ARE hard workers and not bad people and they are just trying to make a better life for themselfs, but I still have a problem with the ILLGEAL part of immigration. And yes my family migrated here as well, but LEGALLY through Ellis Island, I know for a fact because I've seen their names in the book their, I grew up in New York City. So please come up with something else besdies the racist card, it's old!
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