Ok, so im 18, and i have a 12 week old son, as most people know, you go threw ALOT of testing when your pregnant, which includes every known STD check (if requested, which i did) well, i came back 100% clean. Right before my son was born, i noticed this bump on my husbands shaft. it scabbed over after a while, but i wouldnt have sex with him while it was there, and he said it hurt anyways. Well, last week, i noticed a skin colored bump on my labia (?) and it really hurt. and i freaked out, because my OB/GYN said to come in right away, because it sounded like genital warts. Well, i didnt have any money to go in, so i couldnt. It did go away, eventually doing the same thing my husbands did. But it freaked me out because my STD check came back clean. If my son is 12wks old, and he had the bump about 4 months ago, and we had been dating about 8 mths then, could he have gotten it from a previous relation, or could he have cheated on me in the "6 wk no go" period???
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