The community at Vt has been the most amazing community...with the support of the Blacksburg community of which you students a re a part of that community....who values the community... Create a community of understanding...a community of this and that. By the 2nd, 3rd, 4th speech of thousands of "community" used to describe it, you would've thought the speech writers would've been hustling to alter their speech-or even the speakers could have ad libbed after hearing that we all know we are a COMMUNITY.
It was the worst group of speeches of redundant, vague, general talk. No one spoke specifically, by names, the student heroes and their heroics. No one spoke about anything specific except eh community is very upset and sad. I could watch it anymore. And I certainly wouldn't give that piece of poo murder the sataisfaction, in death even, of watching his sick video.
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