bought these fish from a petstore, but when i went to look for care instructions i have a picture of a fish that looks similar to the flying fox - but im not really sure it is. this is the name on the tank i bought it from - Epalzeorhynchus kallopterus. however the pictures ive seen of this fish have a yellow stripe on top of the black. My fish dont appear to have any yellow, but a silver stripe - the color of the body, also has a black stripe running down its back like the flying fox but the stripe stops a bit before the eyes. almost apears to have a clear see thru head with some black showing through - i know fish vary even in the same species, but i really dont think these are flying foxes- however i dont know what else they might be. any ideas would be apreciated -
i just want to make sure i have the right fish - so i can care for it properly.
tankmates= 1-male betta,2 -crabs m&f,2-ADF,
3-Platys Xiphophorus maculatus 2f-1m,1- pleco? - find walmart mislabels their fish alot!
2 answers
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catfood farmer lol