My dog Cookie was recently diagnosed with Cushings and she also has a heart murmur. I first noticed she was ill when she had a seizure/episode. After being hospitalized, getting treatment and now on Lysodren and Enalapril she seemed to be her old self (she's 11 yrs). A week after starting the Lysodren she had another episode (she collapses backward, her legs go straight, and she howls in pain), they usually last less than a minute and she seems to recover quickly, however after her last one she wont eat, drink just sleeps, seems very weak. I've noticed that the last 2 episodes which came almost 24 hrs apart, came almost 2 hrs after I gave her the Lysodren. After almost 3 wks, and $3,000 later, I still dont know what's causing these episodes and I'm very concerned. Could the Lysodren be making her worse instead of better? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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